Spanish Language Literature and Culture I

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

The student must be able to understand complex texts in Spanish.

Teaching Methods

Classes will function in the form of seminar sessions, with the active and permanent participation of the students. These will have to present two critical commentaries on texts distributed by the and a final research paper.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the semester, the students should be able to understand the evolution of Spanish society in the 19th and 20th centuries. They should also be able to distinguish the epoch styles that marked the arts and literature in the same period and know the more relevant personalities in the cultural field. Since the literary works that have been selected for in-depth study are representative, respectively, of realist and modernist aesthetics, the students should be able to relate them to other forms of artistic expression present in Spanish society and with literary works in other countries (in particular, Portugal) that are representative of the same directions.

Work Placement(s)



Society and culture in 19th and 20th century Spain. The most relevant political facts in Spanish life in the19th and 20th centuries will be analyzed and contextualized (War of Independence, the 98 Crisis, the Civil War). The more relevant artistic forms and individualities in the period will also be the object of study, in painting, architecture, music and cinema. The evolution of the media in the two centuries will also be brought into consideration. In the field of literature, the epochal styles of the period (Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Modernism, Avant-gardes) will be commented upon.

Head Lecturer(s)

António Apolinário Caetano da Silva Lourenço

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Assiduity: 10.0%
Participation during seminars: 30.0%
Writen works: 60.0%


Litvak, L. ed. (1991). El Modernismo. 2.ª ed., 2.ª reimp. Madrid: Taurus.

Lourenço, A. A. (2005). Eça de Queirós e o Naturalismo na Península Ibérica. Coimbra: Mar da Palavra.

Lourenço, A. A. (2005). Estudos de Literatura Comparada Luso-Espanhola. Coimbra: Centro de Literatura Portuguesa.

Rubio Cremades, E. (2001). Panorama crítico de la novela realista-naturalista. Madrid: Castalia.

Varela Jácome, B. (1973). Estructuras novelísticas de Emilia Pardo Bazan. Santiago de Compostela: Instituto P. Sarmiento de Estudios Gallegos.

Rubio Jiménez, J. (2006). Valle-Inclán, caricaturista moderno: Nueva lectura de Luces de Bohemia. Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos.

Sorria Olmedo, A., ed. (2007). Las vanguardias y la generación del 27. Madrid: Visor Libros.).