Leisure, Tourism and Territorial Sustainability

Academic year
Subject Area
Geography and Tourism
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

This class draws on a wide range of methods and pedagogical techniques, taking into account the features and specific objectives of each theme and the overall design of the class.  Lectures are used at the beginning of each theme taking into account the need to transmit information that serves as a theoretical introduction and will enhance the application of knowledge and research independently leading to the ability to conduct tasks and critical review of texts, oral presentations and preparation of written documents.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the theoretical concepts in the field and the contemporary debates in the context of sustainability.

Explain the territorial management tools and their contribution to sustainable development.

Understand leisure and tourism activities as having territorial, economic and social impact.

Identify the main evolutionary trends (supply; demand; destinations) in the field of leisure and tourism.

Problematize the role of innovation and creativity within the tourism destination competitiveness.

Recognize planning as a tool to preserve tourism resources, minimize negative external influences and optimize the benefits of tourism.

Demonstrate the relevance of planning and management in leisure and tourism, through theoretical models and examples of initiatives at different geographical levels.

Analyze policies and tools focused on leisure and tourism, and discuss their results in different geographical contexts.

Work Placement(s)



1. Planning and land management: concepts and tools for sustainable development.

     1.1 Dimensions and perspectives in the context of sustainable development. 

     1.2 Territorial management tools (from planning to development).

2. Leisure and tourism: major evolutionary trends.

     2.1 Resources, products (supply and demand) and behavior/motivations of postmodern society.

     2.2 destinations (new geographical choices).

3. Planning and management of recreation and tourism activities.

     3.1 Sustainability of resources and products.

     3.2 Monitoring and evaluation of tourism sustainability.

     3.3 Innovation, competitiveness and spatial differentiation.

4. Public policy and territorial interventions focused on leisure and tourism.

    4.1 Conceptualization and use of tools for tourism development.

    4.2 Innovative/creative tools and their respective territorial implications.

Head Lecturer(s)

Luís Eduardo Ávila da Silveira

Assessment Methods

Attendance: 10.0%
Tasks in class context : 40.0%
Written Work : 50.0%


Barretto, M. (2001). Planejamento e Organização em Turismo (6ªed.). Campinas, Papirus.

Burns, P. M. (2004). Tourism Planning – A Third Way?. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(1), 24-43.

Costa, C. (2006). Tourism Planning, Development and the Territory. In D. Buhalis and C. Costa (Ed.), Tourism management dynamics – trends, management an tools (pp. 236-243). Oxford, Elsevier.

Hall, C. M. (2001). Planejamento turístico: políticas, processos e relacionamentos. São Paulo, Contexto.

Pereira, M. (2009). Desafios contemporâneos do ordenamento do território: para uma governabilidade inteligente do(s) território(s). Prospectiva e Planeamento, 16, 77-102.

Spangenberg, J. (2004). Reconciling Sustainability and Growth: Criteria, Indicators, Policies. Sustainable Development, 12, 74-86.

Ruschmann, D. (2007), Turismo e Planejamento Sustentável. A protecção do meio ambiente (13ª ed.). Campinas, Papirus.