
Academic year
Subject Area
Elective Units
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Immunology - Recognize mediators of cellular and humoral immune response; mechanisms of hypersensitivity and disease.

Pathophysiology - Recognize allergens as etiologic factors of disease; pathophysiological mechanisms of diseases and interpretation of diagnostic tests, particularly within cardio-respiratory conditions.

Medical Propedeutics - To be able to rise clinical questions, to perform physical examination and  diagnostic hypothesis.

Pharmacology - Know how to use antihistamininics, anti-inflammatory drugs, bronchodilators and immunomodulators.

Medical Statistics - To be able to analise results.

English Language - Ability to read and understand the recommended bibliography.

Teaching Methods

Lectures with use of handouts, discussion on buzz groups.

Practical teaching at the bedside.

Development of Log Books - small "pocket books" for each of the clinical areas in which students will describe, through table grids organized by learning objectives, the activities that develop as well as personal reflections or theoretical notes  considered important. The pages of these books are then signed by the teacher, allowing students to have a systematic feedback.

Learning Outcomes

The objectives of Allergology teachin meet the general goals of medical education including knowledge development  (know), skills (know how) and attitudes (behave) that allow them to improve the performance of their professional activity.

The student, in the end of their learning process, will be able to:

-Identify the main allergic diseases and recognize their most relevant clinical features according to the age group and the involved antigen.

-To observe  allergic patients and request diagnostic tests considering their accuracy and cost effectiveness.

-To observe patients with nonimmunological hypersensitivity reactions.

-To practice evidence based medicine.

-To performed under medical supervision the main diagnostic tools and  the main treatments available in Allergology.

-To participate in emergency conditions in Allergology.

-To provide students with the ability to develop self-learning in Allergology.

Work Placement(s)



.Clinical manifestations of diseases by hypersensitivity mechanisms.

.Respiratory, skin and mucous manifestations to environmental allergens.

.Allergen exposure and occupational allergy.

.Clinical manifestations  in food allergy. The role of coadjuvants.

.Testes in vivo in respiratory and skin allergy to environmental and occupational allergens.

.Testes  in vivo in the diagnosis of food allergy.

.Environmental control and allergen exposure.

.Anti-allergenic vaccines and induction of  tolerance.

.Clinical features of drug hypersensitivity.

.Diagnosis and desensitization to drugs.

.Treatment of allergic diseases: prophylatic and rescue medication.

.Social impact and quality of life in allergic disease

.Specific clinical approach of anaphylaxis according to  etiology.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Maria Pego Todo-Bom Ferreira da Costa

Assessment Methods

Resolution Problems: 40.0%
Mini Tests: 60.0%


Fundamentos de ImunoAlergologia - Da Epidemiologia ao Tratamento. Luis Taborda Barata. Lidel Edições Técnicas Lda.,  2011.

Fundamentos de Imunologia.Arosa FA, Cardoso EM, Pacheco FC. 2ª edição, Lidel Edições Técnicas Lda., 2012. ISBN: 978-972-757-856-6

.Fisiopatologia: Fundamentos e Aplicações. A. Mota Pinto. Lidel Edições Técnicas Lda, 2ª edição , 2013

.Alergia Alimentar. A.Todo-Bom, I. Carrapatoso, C. Loureiro, A. Mota Pinto Ed. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra 2013.

Revistas da especialidade:position papers das revistas: Allergy, JACI ou outras.