Tolerance and Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

No specific prerequisites are recommended.

Teaching Methods

Exposition, exploration and discussion of themes starting from accompanied readings, and consequent presentation and discussion of written works as a basis for critical debate and reflection.

Learning Outcomes

The aim of this seminar concentrates in the problematization of the contemporary multiplicity of perspectives of legal thought and the foundation of law in face of the growing heterogeneity and  complexity of juridically relevant intersubjectivity. The (im)possibility of tolerance as a reflexive category in the frontiers of law constitutes a starting point to a metanormatively critical discussion and reflection on the problem of the meaning of law in multiple alternatives - normativism(s), functionalism(s), jurisprudentialism(s)…  - and to its projection in different areas of law.

Work Placement(s)



1. The problem of the foundation of law in cultural pluralism scenario(s):  normativist, functionalist and  jurisprudencialist proposals…

2. Tolerance and Law

2.1. Tolerance as a demand (-virtue(?)) – ethical, moral, political, juridical…

2.1.1. From the modern-iluminist paradigm of tolerance to the tentatives for its overcoming…

2.1.2. Alternatives to tolerance: alterity, recognition, hospitality…

2.1.3. To a normatively substantial perspectivation of tolerance…

2.2. The category tolerance in the limits of juridicity

2.2.1. Tolerance as a principle and as a criterion

2.2.2. Philosophical, theoretical and methodological projections of the (im)possibility of juridical assimilation of the demand of tolerance

2.2.3. The juridical (ir)relevance of tolerance in some dogmatic areas of  law

3. Conclusion: (juridical(?)) tolerance and the problem of the foundation of law: limits of juridicity.

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


Bronze, F. J., Analogias, Coimbra Editora, 2012

Dworkin, R. , Justice for Hedgehogs, Harvard University Press, 2011

Forst, R., Toleranz im Konflikt, Suhrkamp, 2003

Gaudêncio, Ana M., O intervalo da tolerância  nas fronteiras da juridicidade, Coimbra, 2012

Linhares, J. M., “Jus Cosmopoliticum e Civilização de Direito: as 'alternativas' da tolerância procedimental e da hospitalidade ética”, BFDUC, 82, 2006, 135-180

Marques,  M. Reis, “A dignidade humana como prius axiomático”, in M. Costa Andrade et al. (Org.), Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor J. Figueiredo Dias, Coimbra Editora, 2009, IV, 541-566

Neves, A. Castanheira ,“Pensar o direito num tempo de perplexidade”, in A. Silva Dias et al. (Org.), Liber Amicorum de José de Sousa e Brito, Almedina, 2009, 3-28

Jürgen Habermas, „Wann müssen wir tolerant sein? Über die Konkurrenz von Weltbildern, Werten und Theorien“, Jahrbuch des Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften - 2002, p. 167-178