Ethics of Heritage

Academic year
Subject Area
Ethics of Heritage
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The seminar essentially uses three methods: Theoretical sessions on key themes considered essential learning; presentation and discussion of papers by students; presentation and discussion of cases, through guest lecturers and field trips.

Learning Outcomes

- Understand the role of ethics in the contemporary axiological framework.

- Know the main guiding documents in the conservation and management of heritage.

- Stimulate autonomous and critical thinking about issues related to intervention in various fields of preservation, conservation, restoration and management of heritage.

- Develop the capacity for questioning issues/cases related to heritage.

- Understanding the plurality of thoughts and knowledge involved in management, preservation and conservation of heritage.

- Encourage civic, associative and socio-professional duty.

Work Placement(s)



I. Key issues of ethics and deontology

1. Ethics and Morality

2. Law

3. Deontology

4. Socio-professional self-regulation

II. Important conservation and restoration documents

1. From Venice to our days/Analysis of cases selected by students

III. Themes and Cases of Heritage Ethics and Deontology

1. Thematic issues

a. Business ethics

b. Tourism culture and identity

c. Reconstruction: Portuguese castles

d. Intangible heritage

e. Memory

2. Case studies: study visits/invited guests.

Head Lecturer(s)

António Pedro Couto da Rocha Pita

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 30.0%
Research work: 70.0%


AAVV (2010). 100 Anos de Património – Memória e identidade. Lisboa: IGPAA.

Brandi, C. (2006). Teoria do Restauro. Amadora: Orion,

Catroga, F. (2001). Memória, História e Historiografia. Coimbra: Quarteto.

Correia, L. M. M. V. C. (2011). Castelos em Portugal – Retrato do seu perfil arquitetónico (1509-1949. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Durand, G. (1999). Introduction Générale à la Bioéthique – Histoire, concepts et outils. S.l.: Fides/Cerf.

Goff, J. le (2008). Histoire et Mémoire. S.l.: Gallimard.

González-Varas (2008). Conservación de Bienes Culturales – Teoría, história, princípios y normas. Madrid: Cátedra.

Guillaume, M. (2003). A Política do Património. Campo das Letras: Porto.

Lacroix, M. (s.d.). O Princípio de Noé – Ou a ética da salvaguarda. Lisboa: Piaget.

Tomé, M. (2002). Património e Restauro em Portugal (1920-1995) Porto: Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto.

Vallat, J.-P. (2008). Mémoires de Patrimoines. Paris: L’Harmattan.