Neurosciences and Mental Health

Academic year
Subject Area
Clinical Specialities
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Frequency of previous 3 years of medical degree curriculum

Teaching Methods

T - General teaching with emphasis placed upon the main themes of neurology and psychiatry

TP- Participants play an active role in their own learning by identifying learning needs, developing learning plans, and applying learnings to daily experiences.

P - Pratical work in small, interdisciplinary groups with trained faculty facilitators in a supportive, and collegial  environment.

Learning Outcomes

Semiology: clinical history, neurological and mental examinations to elicit the major symptoms and signals integrating neuroanatomical, neurophysiological and biochemical knowledge.

Pathology: Knowledge, diagnosis and pathophysiology of most common neurological and psychiatric conditions including emergency situations.

Diagnosis: Integration of clinical aspects with complementary examinations, incluing neurochemical knowledge, to improve diagnosis.

Treatment: Therapeutic approach towards the different disorders. Knowledge about the major therapeutical indications, pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic and adverse effects of psychotropics.

Work Placement(s)




1. Introduction 2. Coma and disorders of consciousness 3. Epilepsy 4. Headache 5. Disease of nerves and muscles 6. Diseases of spinal cord 7. Movement disorders 8. Demyelinative disorders 9. Dementia 10. Cerebral tumors 11. Craniocerebral trauma NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION



1. History 2. Psychopathology 3. Genetics 4. Personality 5. Psychopharmacology 6. Psychotherapy 7. Psychosomatics 8. Somatization and Dissociation 9. Panic and phobias 10. PTSD 11. OCD 12. Anorexia and bulimia 13. Impulse and paraphilia 14. Personality disorders 15. Depression 16. Bipolar Disorder 17. Suicide and non suicidal self-injury 18. schizophrenia 19. Delusional disorder and acute psychosis 20. Neurocognitive disorder 21. Delirium 22. Alcohol and drug use disorders 23. Sleep 24. Child psychiatry 25. Legal aspects

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Isabel Jacinto Santana

Assessment Methods

Exam: 20.0%
Practical exam and other: 20.0%
Frequency: 60.0%


- Apontamentos de Neurologia: Semiologia e Patologia (estudo)

- Neurological Examination, ed J Patten (estudo)

- Demência (s) Manual para Médicos, eds Isabel Santana e Luís Cunha (consulta)

- Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (Capítulo de Neurologia) (consulta)

- Principles of Neurology, eds Adams, Victor and Ropper (consulta)

- Psiquiatria Fundamental, Carlos Braz Saraiva e Joaquim Cerejeira (Lidel, 2014)

- Elementos de Psicopatologia Explicativa, JL Pio Abreu (Gulbenkian 2012, Lisboa)

- Introdução à Psicopatologia Compreensiva, JL Pio Abreu (Gulbenkian 2011, Lisboa)

American Psychiatric Association. DSM-5:Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatística das Perturbações Mentais.

Adriano Vaz Serra, O Stress na Vida de Todos os Dias, Edição/reimpressão: 2005Editor: Edição do Autor, Coimbra.

Depressão e suicídio, Carlos Braz Saraiva (Lidel, 2014)

Saúde Mental, Manuel Quartilho (Imprensa da Universidade Coimbra, 2011)

Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry, David Semple e Roger Smyth 3ª Edição: 2013