
Academic year
Subject Area
Clinical Specialities
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

A. Knowledge:

Cell Biology and Biochemistry - General knowledge about cells and metabolism particularly of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Molecular Biology and Genetics - General mechanisms of cellular signalling; knowledge of the main genetic changes.

Human Histology - Know the structure of the hematopoietic tissue.

B. Skills and Attitudes:

English language - Students should have the ability to read, understand, write and speak English at a level which is enough to understand the recommended bibliography.

Information Technology - ability to use the Internet for research bibliographic.

Statistics - Ability to understand the results.

Attitude / Professionalism - Proper practice of the principles of the doctor-patient relationship and the relationship between the doctor and other health professionals. In addition, students should demonstrate intrinsic motivation, determination, ability to self-study and study in group.

Teaching Methods

This unit use an integrated teaching, based on theoretical, practical classes, seminars and ACI.

Theoretical classes - summary of organized and structured information in order to stimulate understanding and integration of knowledge using clinical cases.

Pratical classes - Inpatient and Outpatient care and Day Hospital. In these classes students have the opportunity to make contact with the main manifestations of the disease, providing students with skills concerning the doctor/patient relationship (seeing how is done and doing).

Seminars and ACI , allow interdisciplinar knowledge integration.

Learning Outcomes

This unit’s objective is not to train specialists in haematology,but rather to teach the bases so that in the future students develop the knowledge about blood cells and diseases of the hematopoietic system which they will need as physicians whatever specialization they choose to follow.

Therefore,it is intended that students develop skills and abilities to study problems/clinical cases in Haematology, recognize the clinical and laboratory manifestations and their physiopathological and molecular bases and, from that on, take a more rational attitude which allows them to make a diagnosis/differential diagnosis and to establish the most appropriate therapeutics in the practice of their future medical career.In addition, being this an essentially interactive teaching, it is intended that students,bymeans of the elaboration of a clinical history,besides the development of the contact with the patients and other health professionals,develop their team spirit and critical thinkin

Work Placement(s)



1. Hematopoietic system- Morphology and function

2. Red blood cell pathology - Anemias and polycythemias - Dif. diag. of anemias

3. Hemostasis disorders - hemophilia, thrombocytopenia immune, platelets and fibrinolysis disorders, Thrombosis

4. White blood cell pathology - Benign and neoplastic diseases

5. Hemato-Oncologic pathology I - Linfoproliferative diseases/Hodgkin and Non-Hodgking Lymphomas and Monoclonal gammopathies /Multiple Myeloma and MGUS

6. Hemato-Oncologic pathology II – Myeloproliferative diseases - LMC, TE, PV e PMF

7. Hemato-oncologic pathology III – Myelodysplastic syndromes and Acute Leukemias

8. General principles of Immunohemotherapy and transfusional medicine

9. Hematological abnormalities in systemic diseases - Inflamatory Anemia

10. Transplantation in hematology

11. Urgencies/emergencies in hematology

12. Dif. Diag. of cytopenias and adenopathies

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Bela Sarmento Antunes Cruz Ribeiro

Assessment Methods

Practical Exam and Continuous Evaluation (50% of the final grade - being the average of the two components of this evaluation): 50.0%
Exam: 50.0%


- Essential Haematology, 7th edition (2011). Hoffbrand A.V. and Pettit J.E.. Ed by Blackwell Scientific Publications.

- Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th edition  (2010). Ed by  Mc Graw Hill Education.

- Postgraduate Haematology, 6th Edition (2011). A Victor Hoffbrand, Daniel Catovsky, Edward G. D. Tuddenham, Anthony R. Ed by Wiley-Blackwell.

 - Atlas Clinical Haematology, Hoffbrand A.V. and Pettit J.E. (2001). Ed by Gower Medical Publishing. 

- Lecture Notes Haematology, 8th Edition (2008). Hughes-Jones, S. N. Wickramasinghe (2008). Ed by Wiley-Blackwell

- Textos de apoio selecionados.

- Artigos científicos seleccionados.