Pharmacology I

Academic year
Subject Area
Introduction to Medicine and Clinical Practice
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

 All curricular units of the 1st and 2nd year.

Teaching Methods

There are theorical lessons in the classroom, and teaching  in groups, performing tasks or solving problems or cases. The student will also develop a workbook, which is part of his portfolio, and shall be assigned topics that have to be developed through research. The student will also do a Personal Medication Formulary, choosing drugs in a way  rationally structured.

Learning Outcomes

To characterize a drug, medicine or toxic. To know what is the R & D of a drug. Understanding the regulation system in Portugal and Europe. To know very well the ADME system and  how drugs act and how drugs are tested. To have notions of Evidence Based Medicine. To understand  interactions. To characterize and understand  neurotransmission and neuromodulation. To know the pharmacology of pain and pain control. Understanding what are biological medicines, generic drugs and biosimilars. Have notions of pharmacoeconomics.

Work Placement(s)



General concepts. OTC´s and prescription drugs. Self-medication. Generic drugs. Regulation of medicines. Molecular Pharmacology. Evidence Based Medicine. Clinical trials and rational choice of a drug. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Interactions. Adverse reactions and toxic effects. Neurotransmission and neuromodulation. Drugs of the autonomic nervous system. Central and peripheral analgesics. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and steroids drugs. Rheumatic disease modifying drugs (DMARD´s). Biological drugs. Local anesthetics. General anesthetics. Pre-anesthetic medication. General inhalation anesthetics, intravenous and  intramuscular anesthetics. Recovery room. Miorelaxants. Antihistamines H1 or H2. Pharmacoeconomics.

Head Lecturer(s)

Carlos Alberto Fontes Ribeiro

Assessment Methods

Resolution Problems: 15.0%
There are two time points one by frequency and another in the examination time, using each of the assessments:: 85.0%


•Rang and Dale´s Pharmacology, Rang et  al. edts, Elsevier

•S Guimarães, Daniel Moura e Patrício Soares da Silva Coordenadores. Terapêutica Medicamentosa e Suas Bases Farmacológicas, 5ª ed., 2006 Porto Editora.

•Bertram G. Katzung, Basic & Clinical  Pharmacology, Int. Edition, McGraw Hill Companies.

•Goodman & Gilman, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, McGrawHill Companies.

•deVriesTPGM, TPGM, Henning DH,  Hogerzeil HV and  FresleD. Guide to Good Prescribing. OMS ,Genève , 1995

•NOTA: antes das aulas teóricas serão fornecidos os slides (pelo nónio)