Cellular and Molecular Biology I

Academic year
Subject Area
Morphology, Structure and Function
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

The student should be able to read and understand papers or other bibliography in English.

Teaching Methods

Lectures – 14 h

Practical  and theoretical/practical classes -42 h:

These include - Group discussion of current topics in Cellular and Molecular Biology applied to medicine; -interaction with different laboratory technologies in the context of cellular and Molecular Biology; - Case based learning using the knowledge acquired.

Tutorial guidance:  – includes  availability for guidance to understand the biological mechanisms, resolution of problem cases, discussion of scientific articles and themes.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the basic biological mechanisms (cellular and molecular) that occur in our cells

Identify, analyse and understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the norml functions of the cell.

Understand the cellular dysfunction associated with diseases and consequently the logic of therapeutical action.

Define the role of cell death in biology, both physiological and pathologically. Understand how it plays an important part in embryonic and fetal development, cell renewal and maturation and in various aspects of immunological defense mechanisms. Define the cellular pathways of quality control and how they affect cell survival.

Understanding the role of cell and gene therapy in clinical practice, and the use of stem cells for safety testing and efficacy of new drugs.

Work Placement(s)



List and describe the tools to study the cell; the normal pattern of functioning and the consequences of the alterations to this pattern

Analyse and describe the cellular and molecular mechanisms associated with the DNA, RNAs, genetic code and proteins; Viral Capsids, provirus, retrovirus, plasmids and transposable genetic elements. Intracellular compartments and intracellular transport: analyse and describe pathways of intracellular traffic and vesicles. Diseases associated.

Cell signalling and therapeutic applications.  

Describe and analyse the composition of cytoskeleton: normal cellular and molecular mechanisms and associated pathologies. 

Cell death: the role of necrosis, apoptosis and cellular necroptose, from the normal embryonic development to cell renewal and disease.  

Cellular control mechanisms: Ubiquitin Proteosome System, Autophagy

Biology of stem cells, gene therapy and cell therapy.


Head Lecturer(s)

Isabel Maria Marques Carreira

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 10.0%
Mini Tests: 20.0%
Exam: 70.0%


- Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P. Molecular Biology of the Cell (2010) 5th Edition (Versão original).

- Lodish et al (2008), Molecular Cell Biology, 6th edition.

-Cooper G. (2004), The Cell: a molecular approach, 3nd edition.