Literature and Arts

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Portuguese and possibly other languages needed to communicate with the students.

Teaching Methods

1. The seminar regime provides for the active participation of students in as many sessions as possible, which is at least 75%. The bibliography will be constantly updated and adapted to the pedagogical dynamics and the autonomous research of the students will be encouraged.

2. It will be made: theoretical exposition; analysis and discussion of critical texts and works where literature and the arts are articulated, comparing them and putting them in dialogue, through the appropriate methodologies; oral presentations and synthesis works by students.

Learning Outcomes

1. Master a solid theoretical, speculative and methodological background, supported by a comprehensive and problematic historical incidence, related to the relationship between literature and the arts. 2. To know the structuring lines of the articulation between literature, arts and conceptualization of this relationship, in its historical development. 3. Have the skills to describe, understand and analyze artistic works located in this interrelation, considering the periods, currents and movements in which they are inserted, as well as their cultural environment.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction to the relationship between literature and the arts. Communication systems, supports, content. New modalities of artistic expression, digital art. General framework.

2. The primary link between the arts. The Muses. Writing and drawing. Plato, Phaedrus: memory and remembrance.

3. The hierarchy of the arts. Trivium and Quadrivium. Leonardo and the "cosa mentale".

4. Ecfrase, paragone. Laoconte: Classical Antiquity (Virgil, Pliny), Renaissance (Michelangelo), Neoclassicism (Lessing).

5. The writer in the artist's studio. Esquivel y Suárez and the atmosphere of 19th century Madrid. Protagonists and works.

6. From Mnemosine's daughters to contemporary art. Historical avant-garde. Meaning of the signifier.

7. Structuralism, semiotics, deconstruction, intermediality. Study of a selection of contemporary works.

Assessment Methods

Oral presentation and participation in class discussion: 30.0%
Research work: 70.0%


Avelar, Mário (2018). Poesia e artes visuais. Lisboa: IN-CM.

Derrida, Jacques (1984). Plato’s pharmacy. Trad. Leon Roudiez. In Post-Structuralism, deconstruction, and post-modernism (429-450). New York: Columbia University Press.

Even-Zohar, Itamar (1990). Polysystem Studies. Poetics Today, 11, 1, 9-26.

Lessing, G. E. (2011). Laocoonte. Trad. M. Seligmann-Silva. São Paulo: Iluminuras.

Marnoto, Rita (2016). As Musas no Colégio das Artes. In António Olaio (Coord.), Arte e Universidade (55-62). Coimbra: CAUC.

— (2016) (Ed.). Vanguardas. Coimbra: CAUC.

— (2018) (Ed.). Ut pictura poesis. Coimbra: CAUC.

Platão (2019). Fedro. Trad. José Ribeiro Ferreira. Lisboa: Edições 70.

Pratz, Mario (1982). Ut pictura poesis. In M. P. Literatura e artes visuais. Trad. José Paulo Paes (1-27). São Paulo: Culturix.

Rajewski, Irina O. (2005). Intermediality, intertextuality, and remediation. A literary perspective on

intermediality. Intermédialités, 6, 43-64.