Literature and Arts

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Students are expected to master foreign languages to gain easy access to basic bibliography in the original language; they should also  have basic knowledge of literature and arts.

Teaching Methods

The seminar requires the participation of students, a minimum attendance of 75% is required. Besides a theoretical presentation, the seminar dynamics relies on the analysis and discussion of critical texts and works that articulate literature and the arts. The goal is to compare, contrast and bring into a dialogue the methodologies of analysis and to allow for a deeper insight of the complexity of those interrelations.  At least one oral presentation by each student, a commentary-response and in-group discussion will foster the development of criticism as well as a dialoguing attitude.

Learning Outcomes

This course unit aims to provide students with the mastery of rigorous theoretical concepts regarding the relation between literature and arts, supported by a problematizing and open reflection. The course syllabus is designed to facilitate a deeper understanding of research methodologies and the ability to enforce relational specific cases. This will enable students to develop skills of study and analysis of works based on the interrelation between literature and the arts. It will also allow for a more articulated understanding of their contemporary culture and its historical context.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction to the relations between literature and arts. New approaches that have emerged in the 20th century. Boundaries with other disciplinary areas. The comparatistic question.

2. Forms of artistic expression. From Mnemosyne’s daughters to contemporary art. The role of language in artistic interaction — problematization.

3. Parameters of comparison between literature and arts. Structural analogy. Concepts, construction processes, historical categories.

4. Study of three contemporary works that correlate literature and arts. How does literature speak of other arts and how do other arts provide matter to literature / and vice versa.

N.B. The syllabus and bibliography may change depending on teaching staff.

Head Lecturer(s)

Rita Maria da Silva Marnoto

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Oral presentation and participation in class discussion: 30.0%
Research work: 70.0%


Calvino, I. (2012). Lezioni americane(reed.). Milano: Mondadori.

Basílio, K. (2007). Concerto das artes. Porto: Campo das Letras.

Guillén, C. (reed.) (2005).Entre lo uno y lo diverso. Introducción a la literatura comparada.Barcelona: Tusquets.

Kristeller, P. O. (1972). Renaissance Concepts of Man and Other Essays. New York: Harper and Row.

Lessing, G. E. (s.d.). Laokoon oder über die Grenzen der Malerei und Poesie [1766], Werke(ed. Franz Bornmüller). Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut.

Marnoto, R. (2009). Francisco Levita [...]. Lisboa: Fenda.

Praz, M. (1970). Mnemosyne. The Parallel between Literature and the Visual Arts. Princeton: PUP.

Wellek, R.,&Austin, W. (1962).Theory of Literature (3. ed.). Harmondsworth: Penguin.