Didactics of Portuguese Language and Literature I

Academic year
Subject Area
Subject Specific Didactics
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Oral and written proficiency in Portuguese and on its explicit grammar.

Overview of Portuguese literature.

Knowledge of literary studies fundamental concepts.


Teaching Methods

Classes follow an expository component and another for the discussion of various issues (recommended bibliography, documents and materials relevant to the teaching and learning of Portuguese), and also a practical component aimed at designing activities and teaching resources, assessment instruments and for the planning of didactic work.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course students should be able to:

1. General skills:
- Define, under supervision, goals of research in the teaching of the Portuguese language and literature;
- Analyze and interpret scientific and educational texts;
- Select, autonomously, credible and relevant information taking into account the work objectives

2. Specific skills:
- Operationalize the scientific-teaching knowledge needed in the context of the teaching Portuguese language and literature;
- Have a critical view on regulatory documents of the teaching;
- Understand the processes of developing the skills that are the subject of the discipline of Portuguese;
- Develop activities and didactic resources under the four skills;
- Demonstrate skills in readers education.

Work Placement(s)



1. Guidelines, concepts, theoretical approaches and methodological implications of Portuguese teaching.

2. Teaching literature in thecontext of teaching Portuguese

2.1. Theoretical articulations and methodological implications

3. Syllabus and their implementation

4. Linguistic competence, communicative competence and pedagogical practice

5. Oral communication (comprehension and production): uses and modalities

6. Reading

6.1. Learning to read (decipher)

6.2. The various types of non-literary reading and its didactic function

6.3. A literary reading

6.3.1. Conceptual framework, theoretical models and methodological procedures

6.3.2. The reader and the reading in textbooks

6.3.3. Betweenness practices in the teaching of literature

7. Writing

7.1. Uses and modes of writing

7.2. The "process" of writing: planning, textualization and review

8. The explicit teaching of language

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Cristina de Almeida Mello

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Resolution Problems: 30.0%
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Research work: 40.0%


Amor, E. (1993). Didáctica do Português. Fundamentos e Metodologia. Lisboa: Texto Editores

Barbeiro, L. F. (1999). Os alunos e a expressão escrita. Consciência metalinguística e expressão escrita. Lisboa: FCT/FCG

Bernardes, J. A. C. (2005). Como abordar a literatura no Ensino Secundário. Outros caminhos. Porto: Areal

Cassany, D., Luna, M, & Danz, G. (2001). Enseñar lengua. Barcelona: Graó

Duarte, I. (2000). Língua Portuguesa. Instrumentos de análise. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta

Duarte, I. (2008). O conhecimento da língua: desenvolver a consciência linguística. Lisboa: DGIDC

Lomas, C. (1999). Como enseñar a hacer cosas con las palabras. Teoría y práctica de la educación linguística. Barcelona, Paidós

Mello, C. (1998). O ensino da literatura e a problemática dos géneros literários. Coimbra: Almedina

Reis, C. (1990). Didáctica da Literatura. In C. Reis & J. V. Adragão, Didáctica do Português, Lisboa: U. Aberta

Sim-Sim, I. (2007). Ensino da leitura: a compreensão de textos. Lisboa: DGIDC