Spanish Seminar

Academic year
Subject Area
Subject Specific Didactics
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Completion of all the courses of the 1st-year.

Teaching Methods

The students will make oral presentations on the texts they have read, relating them to their teaching experience. Before each presentation, the students will hand in written notes or texts (who will provide feedback on the handed assignment, as long as this is done in due time, as recommended) and will be followed by a comment made by the students and the teacher.
Hence, the supervision carried out by the teacher takes place both in the stage prior to the presentations as well as in the discussion stage, and also in periods assigned to that purpose within the context of the seminar, such as during the preparation of the final summary work.

Learning Outcomes

Students are expected to
1.deepen knowledge in the fields of teaching and of the specific didactics of Spanish, especially in the context of the didactical-pedagogical subject chosen for their research
2.acquire and apply work methods and tools essential to their research and to the writing of the final report for appropriate bibliog (favoring Spanish sources) and extract informat relevant to their subj
4.apply in a critical manner the knowledge obtained from bibliog research,articulating it with previous knowledge and with the experience of the traineeship and presenting possibilities for its applicat in the teaching practice
5.assess the adequacy of the presented proposals to the context of the traineeship and reflect on the obtained results,in order to perfect their practice
6acknowledge the importance of developing their own teaching skills through the research on specific aspects of the teaching practice
7present their research in a coherent and methodolog correct manner

Work Placement(s)



1Presentat and discussion of subjects related to the didactical and pedagogical subjects chosen by students for their research
a)state of progress of the work developed up to the beginning of the 2 semester
b)summary of bibliog sources and critical reflect on their relevance for the chosen subj and for the teaching practice,taking into account previous knowledge and the traineeship experience
c)presentat of proposals related to the chosen subj to be practically implemented in class, along with the assessment of their adequacy to the context of the traineeship and the assessment of the results obtained
2Specific supervision of students on
a)the subj of the presentations mentioned in 1with the assessment of the work developed and the plans for its continuat
b)the organizat of the report, with a view to a coherent and methodolog correct presentat, the balance between the different sections and the necessary link between theoretical informat and the descript and assessment of practical ex

Assessment Methods

In-class participation: 10.0%
Oral presentations and written outlines: 40.0%
Synthesis work: 50.0%


Bibliografia geral/General References:
Aznar Juan, Mª.L. & Gamazo Carretero, E. (Coord.) (2016). Enseñar español en la actualidad. Contribuciones didácticas. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Cassany, D. (2005). Expresión escrita en L2/ELE. Madrid: Arco Libros.
Durán Martínez, R.; Gómez Gonçalves, A. & Sánchez Sánchez, M. (2017) Guía didáctica para la elaboración de un trabajo académico. Zamora: Iberoprinter.
Foncubierta, J. M. & Rodríguez, J. M. (2016). El abc del aprendizaje del español: imaginación y pensamiento narrativo. Revista de didáctica ELE marcoELE, 23.
Regueriro, B. (2014). Innovación y creatividad. Enseñar literatura en el siglo XXI. Humanidades digitales: desafíos, logros y perspectivas de futuro. Janus Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro. Anexo 1.
A bibliografia específica para as apresentações e trabalhos dependerá dos temas de relatório escolhidos pelos/as estudantes.