French Didactics

Academic year
Subject Area
Subject Specific Didactics
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

First degree with a minimum of 60 ECTS in French

B1/2 level of French

Teaching Methods

Expository methods will be used in the first classes which address theoretical topics. In the rest of the semester, classes will focus on more practical issues, and include various tasks to be carried out by students, such as reading and analyzing texts and materials, presenting short individual papers (exposés) orally, and drafting a lesson plan that focuses on one or several areas included in the guidelines for teaching French FL to 7th–12th year students.

Learning Outcomes

Students are expected to

– become acquainted with the main determining factors in learning French as a foreign language, as well as with some of the past trends and main features of current methods for teaching it, as observed in teaching materials and official documents;

– identify and describe techniques for teaching the four skills, as well as French vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation to Portuguese learners, and explain the adequacy of those techniques;

– develop basic skills in lesson planning, and apply some of techniques learned in the preparation of a lesson plan that focuses on one or several areas included in the guidelines for teaching French FL to 7th–12th year students. In this context, they should also develop basic skills in research, analysis and production of teaching materials, as well as in the use of different didactic and technological resources.

Work Placement(s)



1. Education, language, pedagogy, and learning French as a foreign language

2. French FL teaching methods (historical overview)

3. The role of the teacher in the school and in the classroom; competences of the French FL teacher;

4. Textbooks and other sources of material for teaching;

5. Analysis of examples of lesson plan justifications, different lesson stages, lesson planning and definition of lesson aims.

Head Lecturer(s)

João da Costa Domingues

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Resolution Problems: 20.0%
Research work: 30.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


Andrade, A & Sá, M. (1992). Didáctica da Língua Estrangeira. Col. Horizontes da Didáctica. Porto: Edições Asa.

Marques, M. (1990). Didáctica do Francês. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.

Azenha, M. (1997). Ensino-Aprendizagem das Línguas Estrangeiras. Col. Cadernos Pedagógicos. Porto: Edições Asa.

Zabalza, M. (1994). Planificação e Desenvolvimento curricular na escola. Porto: Edições ASA.

Guide, B. (2005). Enseigner le FLE. Pratiques de classe. Paris: Belin.

Germain, C., & Séguin, H. (1998). Le point sur la grammaire. Coll. Didactique des Langues. Paris: Clé International.

Germain, C., & Cornaire, C. (1999). Le point sur la lecture, coll. Didactique des Langues. Paris: Clé International.

Castellotti, V. (2001). La langue maternelle en classe de langue étrangère. Coll. Didactique des Langues. Paris: Clé International.

Germain, C., Claudette C., & Raymond, P. (1999). La production écrite. Coll. Didactique des Langues. Paris: Clé International.