Cultural Heritage, Local History and Education

Academic year
Subject Area
Subject Area of Teaching
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Degree in History

Teaching Methods

Theoretical and practical classes, valuing students attendance and active critical participation. Students must present in class the state of their applied research raising the debate among all. It is planned to carry out some study visits to relevant museums and monumental spaces among other activities especially thematic discussions with invited experts. New technologies and teaching materials available on web platforms libraries, archives, documentation centers and national and foreign museums will be used.

Learning Outcomes

Students will strengthen their training and information on problematics concerning Heritage and Local History, on teaching motivational context, students will also develop research skills applied to History teaching and will improve the capacities of critical analysis and scientific and methodological autonomy required for qualified teaching practices.

Work Placement(s)



1 - Education, Memory and Heritage.

2 - Heritage (s) cultural (s): from local and national identities to globalization.The Portuguese case.

3 - International protection and heritage conservation principles.

4 - Linguistic, ethnographic, historical, documentary, architectural, archaeological, artistic, scientific, technological, industrial and environmental heritage.

5 - The Place in General History.

6 - Sources and resources of local Portuguese History.

7 - Educational services and promotion of heritage spaces.

Head Lecturer(s)

Saúl António Gomes Coelho da Silva

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Frequency: 30.0%
Research work: 70.0%


CATROGA, F. (2013). A geografia dos afectos pátrios. Coimbra: Almedina

CHOAY, F. (2006). A Alegoria do Património. Lisboa: Ed. 70

GUILLAUME, M. (2003). A Política do Património. Porto: Campo das Letras

JORGE, V. F. (2205). Cultura e Património. Lisboa: Colibri e C.M. Portel

MARTINS, G. d'O. (2009).Património, herança e memória. A cultura como criação. Lisboa: Gradiva

MENDES, J. A.(2013). Estudos do Património. Museus e Educação. Coimbra: IU, 2ª edicao

MUSEUS, discursos e representações (Coord. Semedo, A., Teixeira Lopes, J.). Porto: Afrontamento

NETO, M. e RODRUGUES, M. (2013). Informações paroquiais e história local: percursos da história local portuguesa. Coimbra: CHSC-Palimage

OLIVEIRA, A. (2010). Pedaços de História Local. 2vols.Coimbra: Palimage

OLIVEIRA, A. (2013). Antiquarismo e História, Coimbra: Palimage