Population, Migrations and Development

Academic year
Subject Area
Human Geography
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

It is recommended that students know basic terminology of Human Geography; have good reading habits; an ability to research information and complete an academic project.

Teaching Methods

Lectures and the encouragement of discussion and questioning by students by presenting excerpts of texts/news, documentaries, and analysis of films related to the theme.

Practical sessions involve the stimulus for formulating research targeted to the issue of population and its inter/intra regional movements and demonstration and development of a set of practical exercises related to the construction and reading of sociodemographic indicators presented in a theoretical context.

Learning Outcomes

1. Critically reflect on the different rates of population growth observed at the regional level;

2. Critically use language and applied concepts to research in the field of migration and population;

3. Understand the relationship between the changing demographic, social and political dynamics;

4. Possess organizational and research skills related to the theme of population, migration and development

5. Critically analyze the various theories/models of population growth and migration;

6. Recognize the development of international migration systems from a geographical perspective;

7. Critically discuss the concept of development and understand its relationship to population dynamics;

8. Understand the population and, in the case of Portugal, the migrations evolution.

Work Placement(s)



1.  Evolution and distribution of the world population:

1.1  Principles and theories of population 

1.2  Major regional contrasts and explanatory factors

1.3  The Demographic Transition and its many dimensions, reading and applicability in different development scenarios

2.  Population dynamics:

2.1  Evolution of fertility and birth: construction and analysis of indicators

2.2  Evolution of morbidity and mortality: construction and analysis of indicators

3.  Concepts and theory on migration:

3.1  Migration and Migrant: approach and discussion of concepts

3.2 Theories and explanatory models

3.3  Genesis, evolution and perspectives of international migration systems

3.4  Migration and development

4.  Emigration and Immigration in Portugal:

4.1  The emigration trend versus inevitability

4.2  Immigration: the urban regions of low densities.

Head Lecturer(s)

Paulo Nuno Maia de Sousa Nossa

Assessment Methods

Other: 10.0%
Research work: 30.0%
Frequency: 60.0%


Bailey, A. (2005). Making Population Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bandeira, M. L. (2003). Demografia. Objecto, teorias e métodos. Escolar Editora.

Nazareth, J. M. (2004). Demografia - A ciência da população. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.

OCDE (2013). International Migration Outlook 2011. Paris: OCDE Publishing.

Papademetriou, D. G. (Coord.) (2008). A Europa e os seus Imigrantes no Século XXI. Lisboa: Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento.

PIRES, R.p. (Coord.) (2010). Portugal: atlas das migrações internacionais. Lisboa: Tinta da China.

PNUD (2009). Human Development Report 2009. Overcoming barriers: migrations and human development. PNUD.

PNUD (vários anos). Relatório do Desenvolvimento Humano (free PDF).

Rodrigues, V. (2009). Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Uma introdução Crítica. Parede: Princípia Editora.

Rosa, M.J.V. & Chitas, P. (2010). Portugal: os números. Lisboa: FFMS.

Rosa, M. J. V. (2012). O envelhecimento da sociedade portuguesa. Lisboa: FFMS.