Gastronomy and Sociability in Contemporary History

Academic year
Subject Area
History of Culture
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Active and innovative methods of teaching/learning will be adopted, materialized in a continuous evaluation model, with the goal of involving students in the construction of the specific knowledge of this course. For this purpose, the regular participation of students in class will be encouraged, through oral presentations and discussions, the preparation of critical reviews and summaries and a final written report.

Learning Outcomes

To understand the evolution of eating practices during the 18th and 20th centuries.

To understand how the study of food and gastronomy is essential for a correct understanding of the social history and the history of collective behaviors.

To develop students’ critical thinking skills.

To improve their ability to conduct research on complex themes.

Work Placement(s)



Introduction: theoretical and methodological questions; definition of concepts (gastronomy, sociability, commensality).

Gastronomy Discourses.

Food identities and representations: allowed and forbidden foods (food taboos); the place of food in the various civilizational systems; differential food criteria; food between tradition and innovation; food and cultural habits. The evolution of eating practices and habits in the western world: from the "civilization of manners" to the current food models. Stages of the food globalization process worldwide – from the early modern age to the modern age. General trends in food habits in Portugal in the modern age.

Assessment Methods

Other: 20.0%
Exam: 40.0%
Research work: 40.0%


AGUILERA, César, História da Alimentação Mediterrânica, Lisboa, 1997.

À table au XIX.e siècle, Paris, 2001.

BRAGA, Isabel M. R. Mendes Drumond, Portugal à Mesa. Alimentação, Etiqueta e Sociabilidade. 1800-1850, Lisboa, 2000.

CARDOSO, Miguel Esteves, Em Portugal não se come mal, Lisboa, 2009.

CASCÃO, Rui, “À mesa: sociabilidade e gastronomia”, in  MATTOSO, José (Direcção de), História da Vida Privada em Portugal. Época Contemporânea, Lisboa, 2011, pp. 56-91.

FERRO, João Pedro, Arqueologia dos Hábitos Alimentares, Lisboa, 1996.

FLANDRIN, Jean-Louis e MONTANARI, Massimo, História da Alimentação. 2. Da Idade Média aos tempos actuais, Lisboa, 2008.

KIPLE, Kenneth F., Uma História Saborosa do Mundo. Dez Milénios de Globalização Alimentar, Cruz Quebrada, 2008.

LAURIOUX, Bruno, Histoire et Identités Alimentaires en Europe, Paris, 2002.

MENNELL, Stephen, Français et anglais à table du moyen âge à nos jours, Paris, 1987.

POLLAN, Michael, O Dilema do Omnívoro, Alfragide, 2009.