At the Medieval Table: Rituals and Interdictions

Academic year
Subject Area
History of Culture
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not aplicável.

Teaching Methods

The different topics will be introduced by the professor, accompanied by the relevant bibliography, favoring a comparative and interdisciplinary approach. Students will conduct research based on sources and bibliography in order to explore specific topics, which will be presented in class and in a final paper.

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn about eating in medieval times from various perspectives – anthropological, sociological, economic, religious and cultural. They will learn about the various food products, their preparation in the kitchen in accordance with the practices and culinary tastes of the age, food preferences and religious, social or dietary interdictions. They will understand public and private customs of eating at the dinner table, in particular among kings, lords and their officers, as well as the behaviors, ceremonial and rituals of banquets.

Work Placement(s)



1. Food on the table.

2. Cuisine: practices and culinary tastes.

3. Religious, social and dietary food interdictions.

4. Spaces, officers and tableware.

5. Banquet rituals and ceremonials.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria José Azevedo Santos

Assessment Methods

Other: 10.0%
Synthesis work: 40.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


Alimentar la Ciudad en la Eda Media. Nájera (2009), Beatriz Arízaga Bolumburu, Jesús Á. Solórzano Telechea (ed.), Logroño, Inst de Est. Riojanos

ARNAUT, Salvador Dias (1986): A arte de comer em Portugal na Idade Média Lisboa,IN-CM

BIRLOUEZ, Eric  (2009): À la table des seigneurs, des moines et des paysans du Moyen Âge, Rennes, Éditions Ouest-France

COELHO, Maria Helena da Cruz (2005): “Ao correr do vinho. Governança e desgovernança dos homens”, Portefólio, 1, Évora, 112-121.

História da alimentação, (1998-2001), Jean-Louis Flandrin et Massimo Montanari, (dir.) vols. I e II, Lisboa, Terramar

História da Vida Privada em Portugal (2010), José Mattoso (dir.), vol. I, Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa, Lisboa (coord.), CL

A Mesa dos Reis de Portugal. Ofícios, Consumos, Cerimónias e Representações (Séculos XIII-XVIII)(2010), Ana Isabel Buescu e David Felismino (coord.), Lisboa, CL

MARQUES, A. H. de Oliveira (2010): A sociedade medieval portuguesa. Aspectos da vida quotidiana, 6ª ed., Lisboa.