School Organization and Classroom Management

Academic year
Subject Area
General Education
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

No prerequisites.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methods used will include both lectures and active learning strategies which promote student participation and autonomy, such as problem solving and discussion of case studies.

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit aims to promote reflection on school organization and the acquisition of management skills by school teachers, considering the characteristics and challenges of school and social contexts. It aims to develop teachers’ intervention and critical analysis skills on the functioning dynamics of school and classroom organization, aiming the comprehensive development of students and the development of a more inclusive and equitable school

Learning Outcomes:

To understand basic concepts and theoretical perspectives of education organization and management

To recognize factors and characteristics inherent to the process of schooling

To analyze critically and in a reasoned way the evolution trends of the administration and management models

To understand the complexity of the functioning dynamics of the school and the classroom

To develop strategies for managing the classroom, according to the specificities of the context.

Work Placement(s)



1- Process and issues of schooling.

2- Analysis models of school organizations.

3- Recent evolution of models for educational administration and school management in Portugal.

4- School structure and functioning: different entities and their competencies; essencial guidelines.

5- Models and types of leadership; transformational and distributed leadership and the emphasis on the pedagogical dimension. Leadership and intermediate management; the class manager - "director de turma".

6- Climate and organizational cultures. Effective schools and the effect of school.

7- School and participation and parental involvement.

8- The effect of class and teacher. Teacher-student interaction. Power relations in the classroom.

9- Organization of place, time and educational resources.

10- Diversity in the classroom and the organization and pedagogical flexibility.

11- Management of behaviors and conflicts.

12- Teacher professionalism and ethical dilemmas: the ethics of critique, the ethic of justice.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Graça Amaro Bidarra

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 30.0%
Project: 30.0%
Exam: 40.0%


Caldeira,S,Veiga,F (coord.) (2011). Intervir em situações de indisciplina, violência e conflito. Lisboa: Fim de Século

Estrela,M.T. & Caetano,A. P. (org.)(2010).Ética Profissional Docente - Do pensamento dos Professores à sua Formação.Lisboa: Educa

Evertson,C. M.;Weinstein,C.(Ed.) (2006). Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues.Mahwah,New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Gomes,C. A. (2009). Guerra e Paz na Sala de Aula. Pesquisa e Análise Sociológica em Escolas Portuguesas. s.l., Rui Costa Pinto Edições

Lima, J (2008). Em busca da boa escola: instituições eficazes e sucesso educativo. V.N Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leão

Lopes,J. A. L.(2009). Comportamento, aprendizagem e “ensinagem” na ordem e desordem da sala de aula. Braga: Psiquilíbrios

Machado,J.; Formosinho, J.; Fernandes, A. S; Ferreira,H..(2010). Autonomia da Escola Pública em Portugal. V. N. de Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leão

 Starratt, R (2012).Cultivating An Ethical School.London:Routledge.