Profane Spaces

Academic year
Subject Area
History of Art/Heritage
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical analysis of the conceptual framework (based on constant display of images) followed by discussion of practical cases, previously prepared by the students. Students are encouraged to solve specific problems and to reflect critically and comparatively about the objects of study. Their conclusions will be presented in oral and written form.

Learning Outcomes

This course aims to promote a comprehensive and critical knowledge on profane spaces "category that includes not only civil and military architecture as well as public urban spaces of particular sociability and exercise of power. Focusing on Portuguese territory, promotes a European contextualization and comparison, with a particular focus on the Iberian world.

From the understanding of structural matrices, students are motivated to pursue their research on specific cases, reflecting simultaneously on their heritage significance.

The extensive knowledge of the forms of housing - current, noble or royal (the last two at least until the fifteenth century exposing an inseparable intersection between military and civilian structures) - and social spaces will be anchored in a compound and critical understanding of the social, economic, political and military structures underlying.

Work Placement(s)



1. Military architecture: from the tower to the bulwark. Contexts, forms, functions and significance.

1.1. Case studies focusing on three different moments: 12th (Romanesque castle and Domus fortis) 14th (gothic castle) and 16th century (modern fortifications).

2. Civil architecture:

2.1. The Palace: concept and evolution. Royal palaces; noble palaces and city hall palaces.

2.2. The current house, the bourgeois home and the transformations of noble residence in urban space (XV-XVIII centuries).

3. Spaces of sociability and exercise of power: the square in Portugal (14th-18th centuries).

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Luísa Pires do Rio Carmo Trindade

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


ARQUITECTURA Militar na Expansão Portuguesa (A), Catálogo da Exposição, Lisboa, Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 1994.

AZEVEDO, Carlos de, Solares Portugueses. Introdução ao Estudo da Casa Nobre, Livros Horizonte, 1988.

BARROCA, Mário Jorge, “Tempos de resistência e de inovação: a arquitectura militar portuguesa no reinado de D. Manuel”, Portugália, Nova Série, vol. XXIV, 2003, pp. 95-112.

MOREIRA, Rafael (dir.), História das fortificações portuguesas no mundo, Lisboa, Alfa, 1989.

NOVA História militar de Portugal, dir.  M. Themudo Barata e N. Severiano Teixeira, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2003.

PEREIRA, Paulo (dir.), História da Arte Portuguesa (3 vols.), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1995.

SILVA, José Custódio Vieira da, Paços Medievais Portugueses, Lisboa, Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico, 1995.

TRINDADE, Luísa, A Casa urbana em Coimbra. Dos finais da Idade Média aos inícios da Época Moderna, Coimbra, Câmara Municipal, 2002.