Geography of Health and Wellbeing

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The course unit takes place in five parts, corresponding to the project, field work and synthesis work :

1. Presentation of the project;

2. Review of state of art on the theme of the theme work;

3. Collection and analysis of indicators on the theme Work (field work);

4. Development of the Practical Work  and presentation (write and oral) of the synthesis work;

5. Presentation and discussion of the Final Work.

Learning Outcomes

1. Obtain concepts and methods in Health Geography and Wellbeing;

2. Analyse the impact of demographic, social, economic and political phenomena in health and well-being of the population

3. Contribute to tools development and may be used in health needs evaluation

4. Promote the debate around spatial variations in health (from global to local)

5. Develop research

Work Placement(s)



This curricular unit is intent on presenting a set of research themes used in the field of health geography, with the purpose of adequating the means available to the objectives to be reached in terms of research, approaching the following topics:


1. The role of Geography in the interpretation and explanation of inequalities in health and in sickness

1.1. Object, concepts and method in Health Geography

1.2. Health and development: territory and time distribution patterns


2. Analysis of the geographical dimension regarding results in health, taking into account the organization of health care

2.1 Accessibility and usage of health care

2.2 Geography of health care and of results in health: health systems

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Paula Santana Rodrigues

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Project: 10.0%
Resolution Problems: 10.0%
Laboratory work or Field work: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 60.0%


Santana, P. (2014), Introdução à Geografia da Saúde: Território, Saúde e Bem-estar, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra.

Santana, P. (2010) “Os Ganhos em Saúde e no Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde", in: Simões, J. (coord.) Trinta anos do Serviço Nacional de Saúde. Um percurso comentado. Edição Gulbenkian /APES (p.21-81).

Santana, P. (2009) “Urbanização e Saúde”, in: JANUS 2009 – Portugal no Mundo “Aspecto da Conjuntura Internacional. A Saúde no Mundo”. Jornal Público / Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (p.80-82).

Santana, P. (coord.) (2007), A Cidade e a Saúde. Ed. Almedina, Coimbra (pp. 254).

Santana, P. (2005) Geografias da Saúde e do Desenvolvimento. Evolução e Tendências em Portugal. Ed. Almedina, Coimbra (pp. 342).

Santana, P. (2004) Saúde, Território e Sociedade. Contributo para uma Geografia da Saúde, Colecção Textos Pedagógicos e Didácticos, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Coimbra (pp. 188).