Greek Poetry

Academic year
Subject Area
Classical Literatures
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

-Theoretical exposure.

-Reading and literary analysis of selected texts, in Portuguese translation.

-Dialogue with students regarding the poetic texts studied.

-Debate of opinions on issues raised by bibliographic readings made at home by students.

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit has as main objective to make known to the students the fundamental questions related to the non-dramatic Greek poetry of the archaic and Hellenistic times. The genres addressed will be the monodic and choral lyric, the elegia, the idyll, the hymn and the epigram, in the various forms they assumed and considered from a diachronic point of view.

At the end of the course unit the learner is expected to be able to: - Know the genre:

-know the outlines of the transmission of Greek poetry;

-identify the main themes and genres cultivated by the Greek poets of the archaic and Hellenistic times;

-be able to proceed, autonomously, to the formal, stylistic and content analysis of selected steps of the Greek archaic and Hellenistic poetry. 

Work Placement(s)



Module I (Archaic Poetry):

1. Origins, circumstances and transmission of Greek poetry: the "lyrical age". Direct transmission and indirect transmission.

2. Choral poetry and monodic poetry. Genres, metrics and themes.

3. Study, reading and textual analysis of fragments of Archilocus, Safo, Alcaeus, Anacreon (and Anacreontea), Píndar and Bacchylides.


Module II (Helenistic Poetry):

1. General characterization of Helenism and the new conditions of the Hellenistic world that explain the radical transformation of literature.

2. General panorama of Hellenistic Greek poetry and its maximum exponents: Callimacus, Apollonius  of Rhodes and Theochritus.

3. Study, reading and textual analysis of selected texts of Callimacus and Theochritus.

Assessment Methods

Class participation: 20.0%
Frequency: 80.0%


Edições, traduções e comentários

Gentili, B., Catenacci, C. Polinnia.2007. Poesia greca arcaica. Firenze.

Gow, A.S.F.1952. Theocritus. 2vols. Cambridge.

Hunter, R. L.1999. Theocritus. A Selection. Cambridge.

Hutchinson, G. O.2001. Greek Lyric Poetry: A Commentary on Selected Larger Pieces. Oxford.

Lourenço, F.2020. Poesia Grega de Hesíodo a Teócrito. Lisboa.

Pfeiffer, R.1965. Callimachus. 2 vols. Oxford.

Rocha Pereira, M. H.2009. Hélade. Antologia da Cultura Grega. Lisboa.

Stephens, S. A.2015. Callimachus. The Hymns. Oxford.



Acosta-Hughes, B. et alii.2011. Brill's Companion to Callimachus. Leiden-Boston.

Budelmann, F. ed. 2009. The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric. Cambridge.

Fantuzzi, M. and Hunter R.2004. Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Poetry. Cambridge.

Hutchinson, G. O. 1990. Hellenistic Poetry. Oxford.

Jesus, C. A. M. 2008. A Flauta e a Lira. Estudos sobre poesia grega e papirologia. Coimbra.

Lesky, A. 1995. História da Literatura Grega. Trad. M. Losa. Lisboa.