History of Theatre and Spectacle II

Academic year
Subject Area
Performative Arts
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The teaching method used in this class seeks to connect a theoretical component taught in class to an applied component, essentially comprised of viewing plays in VHS and DVD format, as well as attending theatrical plays or other performing arts. The plays to be analyzed will serve as a guide for writing critiques that will enable the students to read texts structured and organized by the material taught.

Learning Outcomes

Students will study authors and stage directors, in a theoretical-practical context, that influenced the theatrical forms that gave rise to the various staging schools that guide our contemporary theatre. We will view and/or attend plays, dances and performances, view various films of plays to accompany the reading of theory, regular reading of essays and the writing of a critical essay as a means of exercising the thought process. Students will have a mid-term exam to assess how well they have assimilated the material taught in History of Theatre and Spectacle II.

Work Placement(s)



1) The Bourgeois Drama

The proposal by Denis Diderot for an alternative to classical French theatre;

2) Realism and Naturalism: “The Crisis of the Drama” by Peter Szondi

André Antoine, August Strindberg, Anton Tchekhov, Henrik Ibsen;

3) The scene proposal of Richard Wagner – Gesamtkunstwerk – (Work of Total Art) and the scenic experience of Bayreuth.

The alternative to real(ism) and the search for the creation of a dream space, in a dialog with Maurice Maeterlinck;

4) Modernsim in theatre:: Piscator, Meyerhold e Bertolt Brecht.

The modernist experiences from the beginning of the 20th century and the settling of the concepts of the "epic theatre" operated and strengthened by Brecht;

5) Political and epic theatre of Brecht; and the dramatic proposal of Samuel Beckett and Roger Blin;

6) Dramatic and post-dramatic theatre – the multiple forms of contemporary theatre..

Readings about contemporary theatre through the eyes of Erika Fichter-Lichte e Hans Thies-Lehmann.

Assessment Methods

Frequency: 50.0%
Research work: 50.0%


DIDEROT, D. (1986) - Discurso sobre a poesia dramática. São Paulo: Brasileirense, col. Elogio da Filosofia

FICHTER-LICHTE, E. (2008) -  The Transformative Power of Performance. Londres: Routledge

LEHMANN, Hans-Thies (2002) - Le Théâtre postdramatique. Paris: L’Arche

MENDES RIBEIRO, J. (1998) - A Reforma do Espaço Cénico no Século XX, in “Fragmentos de uma Prática de Dramaturgia do Espaço”. Provas de Aptidão Pedagógica e Capacidade Científica, Departamento de Arquitectura da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra.

SZONDI, P. (2011) - A Teoria do Drama Moderno [1880-1950]. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2ªedição

VASQUES, E (2007) - Piscator e o conceito de teatro épico. Lisboa: Biblioteca Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema.

________, — (2003) - O Que É o Teatro?. Lisboa: Quimera