Art and Classical Antiquity

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

After providing a theoretical and historical framework for the topics to be discussed, as well as a brief evaluation of the available sources of information, the work will be based on the analysis of archaeological, iconographic and literary sources, adopting as much as possible a diachronic perspective. Students are encouraged to comment on sources (later made available on the NONIO platform), as well as to deepen the study of the topics addressed in class by reading the bibliography and searching the Internet.

Learning Outcomes

The proposed syllabus aims to give students the competencies required to identify the main features of ancient Greek art, from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Period.

Work Placement(s)



1. Artistic expressions (Cycladic, Minoan and Mycenaean) during the Bronze Age and their influence on western art.

2. The principles of Greek architecture (origins, typology of buildings, the orders, trends, styles, study of some buildings).

3. Greek sculpture, amodel for posterity (sources, influences, functions, materials, privileged themes, evolution and main characteristics of each phase, sculptors and most relevant works).

4. The pictorial arts in Greece and Rome.

5. The mosaic.

7. The discovery of classical art and its reception in western culture.

Head Lecturer(s)

Sandra Patrícia Antunes Ferreira da Costa Saldanha e Quadros

Assessment Methods

Continuous evaluation
Synthesis work: 50.0%
Mini Tests: 50.0%

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%


- Boardman, J. (1996, 4ª ed.), Greek Art. Revised and expanded. London: Thames & Hudson.

- Ferreira, J. R. e Morais, R. (2008), A busca da beleza. A arte e os artistas na Grécia Antiga. Vol. I: Arquitectura Grega. Coimbra: Fluir Perene.

- Ferreira, L. N. (2011), “Crianças na arte grega. Representações sociais e convenções artísticas”, in C. Soares, M. C. Fialho, M. C. Alvarez Morán, R. M. Iglesias Montiel (coord.), Norma & Transgressão II. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 59-95.

- Janson, H. W. et alii (2010, 9ª ed.), A Nova História da Arte de Janson. Lisboa: FCG.

- Richter, G. M. A. (1987, 9ª ed.), A Handbook of Greek Art. London: Phaidon.

- Robertson, M. (1981), A Shorter History of Greek Art. Cambridge: University Press.

- Rocha Pereira, M. H. (1985), “Para a compreensão da arte grega”, Biblos 61: 180-191.

- Rodrigues, N. S. (2007), “Entre Europa e Io: elementos orientais na arte grega arcaica e clássica”, in Arte Pré-clássica. Lisboa: IOFL, 323-346.