History of Urbanism

Academic year
Subject Area
Hostory of Art
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Theoretical and practical classes. The theoretical concepts are always accompanied by the display of images supporting periods of reflection and debate in which critical thinking is encouraged. The subjects learned in the classroom will be complemented by study visits, promoting direct contact with the object of study.

Learning Outcomes

Provide the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge for a critical approach to key moments in the history of Western City, in all its dynamic continuities and / or disruptions.

To develop the necessary sensitivity for the analysis of space and respective means of representation.

Students should be able to identify and use critically, taking into account the potential but also the limitations and problems, a wide range of sources and tools essential to study and decoding of the city.

To understand the interdisciplinary nature of the History of Urbanism.

To understand the rhetorical character of the urban object in all its symbolic potential and visual projection.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction

Discussion on crucial concepts: urbanism, urbanistic, urbanity. Civitas and Urbe.

The city as an expression of material culture and as a major history archive.

The city as an object of study: a multidisciplinary field.

The imagetic potenciality of the city.

Processes and times of construction. The powers enroled: public and private. Commission and authority; Anonimate and colectivity.

Sources and tools.


2. Critical approach to a set of representative case studies of key moments on the consolidation and development of the western city.

The Classical matrix;

The long Middle Ages: from the breakdown of the administrative roman net to the late medieval recovery of the city as an instrument of control and power;

Utopias and realities: the activation of the New World as a testing ground;

The political instrumentalization of the Baroque city: the court and the capital;

The Industrial era and the urban rupture. From the practical results to the theoretical thinking.

Assessment Methods

Continuous evaluation
Mini Tests: 100.0%

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%


BENEVOLO, Leonardo, As origens da urbanística moderna, Presença-Martins Fontes, 1981.

BENEVOLO, Leonardo, Diseño de la ciudad, G. Gili, 1982.

CIUDAD hispanoamericana (La): El sueño de un orden, CEHOPU-MOPU, 1989.

GARCIA Y BELLIDO, A. Urbanistica de las grandes ciudades del Mundo Antiguo, Madrid, 1985.

GRAVAGNUOLO; Benedetto, Historia del urbanismo en Europa 1750-1960, Akal Arquitectura, 1998.

Le GOFF, Jacques, Por amor das Cidades, Editorial Teorema, 1997.

MORRIS, A.E.J., Historia de la forma urbana, G. Gili, 1995.

MUMFORD, Lewis, A cidade na História. Suas origens, transformações e perspetivas, Martins Fontes, 1982

OWENS, E. J., The city in the Greek and Roman World, Routledge, 1991.

RAGON, L'homme et les villes, Berger-Levrault, 1985.

ROMAN public buildings, J. M. Barton (edi.), University of Exeter Press, 1995.

ROSSA, Walter, “História do Urbanismo e Identidade. A arte inconsciente da comunidade”, História, 27, 2000.

Storia dell'urbanistica, Bari, Laterza (existe trad. espanhola).