Art and Baroque Representation

Academic year
Subject Area
Hostory of Art
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The classes will be both theoretical and practical. The presentation of each artistic movement will be contextualized and accompanied by image analysis.

Learning Outcomes

1. To characterize the historical and cultural context where the Baroque had its emergence and development;

2. To characterize baroque art in its many manifestations;

3. To relate the Portuguese baroque artistic reality with the European;

4. To practice the use of the specific vocabulary of visual arts;

5. To analyze the artistic object in its specificity, understanding it as a “cultural document” of its time.

Work Placement(s)



1. The "era" of the Baroque in Europe and the Portuguese case: historical and cultural contextualization

2. The geography of the Baroque: genesis and dissemination of formal and cultural models

3. The demand for a 'total art'

4. Baroque architecture: the theater of power

5. Baroque Sculpture: typologies, formal and thematic resources

6. Baroque Painting: themes, techniques and different schools.

Head Lecturer(s)

Sandra Patrícia Antunes Ferreira da Costa Saldanha e Quadros

Assessment Methods

Continuous evaluation
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Frequency: 70.0%

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%


ANGOULVENT, Anne-Laure, O Barroco, Mem Martins, Europa-América, 1996.

CARERI, Giovanni, Baroques, Princeton/Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2003.

CHECA CREMADES, Fernando e TURINA MORÁN, José Miguel, El barroco, Madrid, Istmo, 1982.

FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, Antonio, Los grandes pintores barrocos, Barcelona, Vicens-Vives, 1989.

MARAVALL, José, La cultura del barroco: análisis de una estructura histórica, Esplugues de Llobregat, Ariel, 1975.

MOURA, Carlos, História da Arte em Portugal, vol. 8, O Limiar do Barroco, Lisboa, Alfa, 1986.

PEREIRA, José Fernandes (dir.), Dicionário da Arte Barroca em Portugal, Lisboa, Presença, 1989.

PEREIRA, José Fernandes, Arquitectura Barroca em Portugal, Lisboa, ICLP, 1986.

PEREIRA, Paulo (dir.), História da Arte Portuguesa, vol. , Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1997.

RODRIGUES, Dalila (coord.), Arte portuguesa. Da pré-história ao século XX, Fabu, 2009.

TOMAN, Rolf (ed.), El barroco: arquitectura, escultura, pintura, Koln, Konemann, 1997.