Angolan and Mozambican Literatures
Portuguese Language Literature
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Teaching Methods
In addition to the lecture classes, with multimedia support, this discipline focuses on a variety of interactive formats for working in pairs or groups, and guided debates. Oral presentations by students are part of this interactive teaching method and provide for a discussion phase. It is mandatory to read literary works at home before the respective classes.
Learning Outcomes
- To know in general terms the literary history of Angola and Mozambique, the main movements and authors, some canonical texts and others more recent, as well as some cultural elements beyond the strictly literary context (e.g. films, music, painting).
- To understand the main topics of these literature and the respective theoretical debates.
- To develop a critical thinking around the works approached, based on both theoretical concepts from the scope of literary studies, and a historical awareness of the legacy of colonialism and the new problems arising in the post-independence era.
Work Placement(s)
The course focuses on the literature of Angola and Mozambique. It is organized in two interconnected halves, taking these countries as a starting point. Each part begins with an introduction to the history, society and culture of the country in question, followed by an approach to literary history (the main movements, magazines, anthologies). Works of different genres (poetry, short story, romance, theater) as well as films and, to a lesser extent, other cultural manifestations (music, painting) will be studied. Both canonical and recent works are part of the program, respecting the chronological evolution of topics and currents, from the colonial era to post-independence. The analysis of the works is accompanied by the reading of selected bibliography at home. It is up to the professor to select the works to be covered in each academic year.
Head Lecturer(s)
Doris Wieser
Assessment Methods
Periodic Assessment
Project: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Chabal, P. et al. (orgs) (1996). The Postcolonial Literature of Lusophone Africa. Hurst & Co.
Chaves, R. (2005). Angola e Moçambique: experiência colonial e territórios literários. Ateliê Editorial.
Hamilton, R. (1984). Literatura africana, literatura necessária (Vol. I e II). Lisboa: Edições 70.
Laranjeira, P. (1995). Literatura africana de expressão portuguesa. Com I. Mata e E. Rodrigues dos Santos. Universidade Aberta.
Leite, A. M. et al (orgs) (2012): Nação e narrativa pós-colonial I. Angola e Moçambique. Lisboa: Colibri.
Owen, H. (2007): Mother Africa, Father Marx: Womens's Writing of Mozambique, 1948-2002. NY: Bucknell University Press.
Ribeiro, M. C. & Meneses, M. P. (orgs) (2008). Moçambique: das palavras escritas.Lisboa: Afrontamento.
Rodrigues-Moura, E. & Wieser, D. (orgs) (2015). Identidades em Movimento: Construções identitárias na África de língua portuguesa e seus reflexos no Brasil e em Portugal. TFM.