Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Fin-de-Siècle
Portuguese Language Literature
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Knowledge of Portuguese Language level C1.
Teaching Methods
Teaching methods include an expository component, in which the teacher will provide general overviews on historica-literay topics, and a practical component, with close reading of texts. For each edition of the course, a number of works and texts will be chosen as compulsory reading; additional metaliterary and critical bibliography will be used for consultation and discussion.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be familiar with the dominant literary characteristics and developments of historical-literary period between Romanticism and the turn of the 20th century. This includes a knowledge of the major works of the 19th century Portuguese literary canon, as well as their periodiological frames. In addition, students should understand the social and cultural factors that indirectly influenced literary developments and their relation with coeval artistic phenomena, as well as with similar thematic and formal phenomena in other literatures, European in particular. These broad aims will be particularized according to the specific contents of the syllabi designed by different teachers for this course.
Work Placement(s)
Nineteenth-century’s transformations in the cultural field (overview). Portuguese Romanticism and its literary and ideological relations with the European space. Social and political context of the Liberal and Romantic revolutions. The literary production of the first Romantic generation, particularly that of Almeida Garrett; historical and modern themes. The evolution of Romanticism in Portugal: the second and the third generations. The emergence of Realism and Naturalism: the “scientific” realism and the critical novel of Eça de Queirós. The return of Poetry in the turn of the century: new aestheticisms: the urban modernity of Cesário Verde; the symbolism of Camilo Pessanha.
Head Lecturer(s)
Maria João Albuquerque Figueiredo Simões
Assessment Methods
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Periodic Assessment
Frequency: 100.0%
Buescu, H. C. (1997). Dicionário do Romantismo Literário Português. Lisboa: Caminho.
França, J.-A. (1993), O Romantismo em Portugal. Estudo de factos socioculturais. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
Lourenço, A.A.; Santana, M.H; Simões, M.J. (2013). O Século do Romance. Coimbra, CLP.
Lopes, O. (1987) Entre Fialho e Nemésio, vol. I, Lisboa: INCM.
Macedo, H. (1999) Nós. Uma leitura de Cesário Verde. Lisboa: Presença.
Monteiro, O.P. (2010). Estudos Garrettianos. Rio de Janeiro: Editora da UERJ.
Pereira, J. C. S. (2004). História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa. Vol. VII: Do Fim-de-século ao Modernismo. Lisboa: Verbo.
Reis, C. e Pires, M. da N. (1999). História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa. Vol. V: O Romantismo. Lisboa: Verbo.
Ribeiro, M. A. (2000). História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa. Vol. VI: Realismo e Naturalismo. Lisboa: Verbo.
Santana, M.H. (2007). Literatura e ciência na ficção do século XIX: a narrativa naturalista e pós-naturalista portuguesa, Lisboa: INCM.