Portuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism

Academic year
Subject Area
Portuguese Language Literature
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

In addition to theoretical presentations by the teacher, using various didactic strategies and instruments (powerpoint presentations, audiovisual materials, etc.), students are expected to participate in an active and critical manner in the analysis and interpretation of the literary and doctrinal texts selected.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the semester, students should:

i) Have an in-depth knowledge of the evolution of Portuguese literary history from the Barroque to the Neoclassical period;

ii) be able to link the historical and cultural context to the specific features of 17th and 18th century literary production;

iii) Be able to identify and characterize their theoretical grounds and aesthetic-literary practices;

iv) Be able to recognize and interconnect, in a productive manner, the extent of phenomena of intermediality;

v) Be able to reflect critically on the uses and forms of appropriation and sharing of texts from the 17th and 18th centuries in our times.

vi) Be able to design, develop and discuss research papers on texts from the period addressed, using appropriate theoretical and methodological instruments.

Work Placement(s)



I. Critical issues

1. The Iberian and European context: History, politics and society.

2. Literary theory, criticism and history: periods, poetics, genres.


II. The Luso-Brazilian Baroque

1. Poetry anthologies and literary academies: ludicism and the Baroque worldview.

2. The religious oratory of Father António Vieira: discourse, power and evangelism.

3. The theatrical project of António José da Silva, the Jew: tradition and innovation.


III. The Enlightenment and Neoclassicism

1. Luís António Verney and the Verdadeiro Método de Estudar.

2. Poetic theory and practice in Arcádia Lusitana.


IV. Rereading the classics today

1. Fom the Barroque to the Neo-Baroque.

2. Intertextuality(ies) and intersemiotic transposition (theater and cinema).

Head Lecturer(s)

Paulo Jorge da Silva Pereira

Assessment Methods

Periodic Assessment
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Other: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%


Barata, J. O. (1985). António José da Silva. Criação e realidade. Coimbra: U. Coimbra

Castro, A. P. (1973). Retórica e teorização literária em Portugal. Do Humanismo ao Neoclassicismo. Coimbra: C. Estudos Românicos

Cunha, M. F. (2012). Padre António Vieira. Lisboa: Edições 70

Marnoto, R. (2010). História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa, vol. 4, Neoclassicismo e Pré-Romantismo. Lisboa: Verbo

Mendes, M. V. (1989). A oratória barroca de Vieira. Lisboa: Caminho

Obra Completa do Padre António Vieira. Dir. J. E. Franco e P. Calafate. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores

Pires, M. L. G. e J. A. Carvalho (2001). História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa. Vol. 3. Maneirismo e Barroco. Lisboa: Verbo

Pires, M. L. G. (Ed) (2003). Poetas do Período Barroco. Lisboa: Edições Duarte Reis

Silva, V. M. A. e (1971). Maneirismo e Barroco na poesia lírica portuguesa. Coimbra: C. de Estudos Românicos

Verney, L. A. (1991). Verdadeiro método de estudar: cartas sobre retórica e poética. Ed. M. L. G. Pires. Lisboa: P/