History of the Portuguese Language

Academic year
Subject Area
Portuguese Linguistics
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Classes are theoretical-practical, including lectures for presentation of theoretical and methodological frameworks, followed by active peer-to peer and tutor-oriented discussions. Students are required to carry out to pre-programmed activities, involving reading assignments and analysis of relevant documents and data, and they are expected to actively participate in class activities.

Learning Outcomes

This course has two fundamental aims: i) to provide the essential theoretical and methodological principles that will enable students to understand the evolution of natural languages and to frame the descriptive activities developed within this ambit; ii) provide data (linguistic and other) that help students understand the Portuguese language in its historical dimension. At the end of the semester, students should: i) be able to include the dynamics of change in their understanding of the functioning of natural languages; ii) know (and apply) essential theoretical and methodological issues inherent to the study of language; iii) know the processes and results of specific changes in the Portuguese language.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introductory framework: the process of linguistic change and its study.

2. Origins of the Portuguese language:

2.1. antecedents in the formation of Portuguese;

2.2. the early Iberian romances; Galician-Portuguese.

3. The individualization of periods in the history of the Portuguese language: from ancient Portuguese to classical Portuguese (sources, linguistic features, relevant aspects of social history).

Head Lecturer(s)

Isabel Maria de Almeida Santos

Assessment Methods

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%

Periodic Assessment
Other: 25.0%
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


Brocardo, M. T. (2014). Tópicos de história da língua portuguesa. Lisboa: Colibri.

Castro, I. (1991). Curso de história da língua portuguesa. Lisboa: U.A.

Castro, I. (2006). Introdução à história do português (2.ª ed.). Lisboa: Colibri.

Echenique Elizondo, T. (2005). Las lenguas de un reino. Madrid: Gredos.

Ferreiro, M. (1996). Gramática histórica galega I. Galiza: Laiovento, S.L.

Ilari, R. (2013). O português no contexto das línguas românicas. In E.P. Raposo et al. (eds.), Gramática do Português, vol. I (pp. 47-66). Lisboa: FCG.

Lausberg, H. (1981). Linguística Românica (2.ª ed.). Lisboa: FCG.

Maia, C. (1995). História da língua portuguesa. Guia de estudo. Coimbra: FLUC.

Marquilhas, R. (2013). Fenómenos de mudança na história do português. In E.P. Raposo et al. (eds.), Gramática do Português, vol. I (pp. 15-45). Lisboa: FCG.

Menéndez Pidal, Ramón (1962). Manual de gramática histórica española (11.ª ed.). Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.