Studies on Fernando Pessoa
Portuguese Language Literature
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Teaching Methods
- Lectures which introduce the topics and provide a structure to the subsequent discussion on the major aspects of the course and to the analysis of key texts.
- This work continues outside of classes, through meetings during office hours and by email (suggestion of new topics, discussion of approaches, guidance on research and bibliography).
- Students present individual research papers or take an exam, also followed by discussion with the teacher.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be introduced to the conditions of production of the work of Fernando Pessoa – seen not as a masterly and predictable author, but as a problematic creative genius – and encouraged to read and interpret the texts by his different heteronyms.
They will acquire the methodological tools needed to engage critically with the literary creation of this author.
Work Placement(s)
1. Introduction to the singularity of Fernando Pessoa.
2. Historical and literary context.
2.1 Modernism and Vanguard in European literature.
3. Fernando Pessoa’ poetic trajectory.
3.1. From supra-Camões to Paulism.
3. 2. Pessoa’Modernism. Orpheu.
3.3. The Orpheu generation. Intersectionism, Sensationism, Futurism.
4. Heteronyms, semi-heteronyms and literary personalities.
5. Nationalism and esotericism. Mensagem.
6. The Book of Disquiet (Livro do Desassossego).
Assessment Methods
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Periodic Assessment
Laboratory work or Field work: 25.0%
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Coelho, J.P. (2007). Diversidade e Unidade em Fernando Pessoa. Lisboa: Verbo.
Gil, J. (1987). Fernando Pessoa ou a Metafísica das Sensações. Lisboa: Relógio d'Água.
Lourenço, A.A. (2011). Mensagem de Fernando Pessoa. Guia de Leitura. Coimbra: Almedina-CLP.
Lourenço, A.A. (2009). Fernando Pessoa. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Lourenço, E. (2003). Pessoa Revisitado: Leitura Estruturante do Drama-em-Gente. 4.ª ed. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Pessoa, Fernando (2008). Mensagem, ed. António Apolinário Lourenço. Coimbra: Angelus Novus.
Seabra, J.A. (1982). Fernando Pessoa ou o Poetodrama, São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva.