Studies on Camoes

Academic year
Subject Area
Portuguese Language Literature
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methods will emphasize the analysis of the camonian works and the discussion of the main orientations of the camonian studies, mainly which were known across the last century.

Learning Outcomes

In the end of the semester the student must:

a- identify the main questions concerning the author’s  text and  context;

b- know the main guivings of the camonian studies;

c- express critical judgements about the interpretations of Camões’s works and about Camo fundamentadauguese culture and in the culture of others countries speaking Portuguese.pp. pp. 23-32;Alondo and Stephen Parkinsões’s role into the portuguese culture and into the culture of other countries speaking the Portuguese Language.

Work Placement(s)



  1. Luis de Camoes: the man and his historical context;
  2. Camoes’s works: the materiality; the meanings; the dynamic of interpretations;
  3. Camoes into the Portuguese culture, since the nineteen century to the current time;
  4. Camoes: his survival into the literatures in Portuguese language.

Head Lecturer(s)

José Augusto Cardoso Bernardes

Assessment Methods

Continuous evaluation
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Other: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%


Alves, H. J. dos S. (2001). Camões, Corte-Real e o sistema da épica quinhentista. Coimbra: Centro Interuniversitário de Estudos Camonianos.

Bernardes, J. A. C. (1999). Luís de Camões. História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa. Vol. I. Humanismo e Renascimento. (Cap. V). Lisboa: Editorial Verbo.

Castro, A. P. de (2007). Páginas de um honesto estudo camoniano. Coimbra: Centro Interuniversitário de Estudos Camonianos.

Fraga, M. do C. (1997). Os géneros maiores na poesia de Camões. Coimbra: Centro Interuniversitário de Estudos Camonianos.

Marnoto, R. (1997). O Petrarquismo português do Renascimento e do Maneirismo. Coimbra. Centro Interuniversitário de Estudos Camonianos.

Matos, M. V. L. de (1987). Introdução à poesia de Luís de Camões. Lisboa: Instituto de Língua e Cultura portuguesas.

Saraiva, A. J. (1997). Luís de Camões. Estudo e antologia. Lisboa: Publicações Europa/América.

Silva, V. M. de A. e (2008). A lira dourada e a tuba canora. Lisboa: Livros Cotovia.