Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature
Italian Literature
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Italian knowledge equivalent to the A2 level of the CEFRL
Teaching Methods
- Theoretical exposition, analysis of texts by the professor, viewing of framing materials.
- Contact with libraries and bibliographic specimens, guided management of platforms.
- Analysis of texts by students, individually or in groups, under the guidance of the professor, presentation and summary of texts.
Learning Outcomes
- To master the themes, works and authors studied.
- To relate its structuring lines to the currents and movements in question.
- To know how to apply the skills acquired to other authors, texts, currents or similar movements of the Italian literature.
Work Placement(s)
- Historical avant-garde. Futurism. F. T. Marinetti and the Futurist group. Movement program. Artistic intermediality. Manifestos, shows, interventions.
- Modernism. Luigi Pirandello. Biographical path. Mask, fragmentation, illusion. "Umorismo". The "isola Pirandello". «“I Giganti della Montagna”: elaboration, structure, characters.
- Neorealism. Resistence; deportation; the “Lager”. Primo Levi. Biographical path. “Se questpo è un uomo”: elaboration, structure, characters; role of literature. "I sommersi e i salvati".
Head Lecturer(s)
Manuel Simplício Geraldo Ferro
Assessment Methods
Avaliação Contínua
Synthesis work: 20.0%
Mini Tests: 80.0%
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Asor Rosa, A. (1992-1996) (Ed.). Letteratura italiana. Le opere. 4 vols. 5 ts. Torino: Einaudi.
Ferroni, G. (2016). Storia della letteratura italiana. 4 vols. Torino: Einaudi Scuola.
Levi, P. (2015). Se questo è un uomo. Torino: Einaudi [Trad. S. Neto. Leya].
Marinetti, F. T. (2009). Teoria e invenzione futurista. Milano: Mondadori [Trad. J. M. Ferreira. Vega].
Marnoto, R. (2008) (Ed.). Luigi Pirandello e a recepção da sua obra em Portugal. Coimbra: Instituto de Estudos Italianos.
Marnoto, R. (2016) (Ed.). Vanguardas. Coimbra: CAUC.
Marnoto, R. (2019). Censura e memória. In "Se isto é um homem" de Primo Levi (41-59). Almada: Companhia de Teatro de Almada.
Pirandello, L. (2015). I Giganti della Montagna. Torino: Einaudi [Trad. R. Marnoto. Cotovia].
Santagata, M.; et al. (2015) Il filo rosso. Vv. vols. Milano: Laterza.
Em linha: Treccani. (consultado a 30-06-2020).