Italian 4
Italian Linguage
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Italian knowledge equivalent to the B1 level of the CSFR.
Teaching Methods
- Communicative-formative approach to explain grammar and communicative structures.
- Specific materials for B2 level of the CEFRL.
- Usage of different kinds of didactic tools 1. Handbook (grammar structures) ; 2 "Corso comunicativo" (structures of communication); 3. Italian History (Understanding and written production).
- Exhibition of written and oral texts: texts, manuals, articles on history; brief reports; dialogic texts.
- Construction of complex dialogues; participation in debates.
Learning Outcomes
Within the end of the semester, the students will improve their metalinguistic skills, and thy will develop their oral and written production and understanding, which will meet the B2 level of the CEFR.
- Listening / Speaking: Understand the main topics presented in news, television programs, films, lectures and conversations in standard language; expressing opinions in a debate; formulating questions and answering in an interview; summarize a story text.
- Reading / Writing: Interpret articles and reports on current issues and scientific texts with historical content. Write clear texts on different topics; write brief essays, reports and letters, explaining experiences and emotions, with precision and formal correction.
Work Placement(s)
1. Grammar structures, morphosyntax and vocabulary: PRONOUNS: use of impersonal and “passive” “si”; use of the relative variable pronoun il / la quale. VERBS: consolidation of the use of the imperfect, the "passato prossimo", the conditional and the subjunctive; use of the “passato remoto” and the “presente storico”; irregular verbs in the “passato remoto” and in conditional; “Condizionale di incertezza”; “condizionale giornalistico”. INTERJECTIONS AND EXPRESSIONS: exclamatory, interrogative. CONNECTIVES: “anche”, “inoltre”, “in più”, “pure”, “invece”, “però”, “cioè”, etc. ADVERBS: degree and irregular formation of frequent adverbs (“bene/meglio”; “male/peggio”); compound adverbs. PREPOSITIONS: expansion of the repertoire of prepositional phrases.
2. SYNTAX: the hypothetical phrase. SEMANTIC RELATIONS: synonymy; antonimia; metaphor; placing; connotation.
3. Development theme: History of Italy (specific theme: Italy in the World War).
4. Improve the metalinguistic reflection.
Head Lecturer(s)
Martina Matozzi
Assessment Methods
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Periodic Assessment
Other: 30.0%
Frequency: 70.0%
A - Manual/ Tutorial book.
Mezzadri, M.; Pieraccioni, G. (2015). Italiano. Plus. A2-B1-B2. Torino: Bonacci.
B – Gramática/ Grammar
Bosc, F. (2014). Il libro di grammatica. Torino: Loescher.
B1 – Gramática/ Grammar
Patota, G. (2010). Grammatica di riferimento dell'Italiano contemporâneo. Novara: Garzanti.
B2 – Materiais de apoio
Pallotti, G.; Cavadi, G. (2012). Che storia!. Torino: Bonacci.
Balboni, P. E. (2015). Il Balboni B-DUE. Torino: Bonacci.
C - Dicionários bilingues/ Bilingual dictionaries
Mea, G. (2014) (reed.). Dicionário de Italiano–Português, Dicionário de Português–Italiano. Porto: Porto Editora.
D1 - Dicionários monolingues em rede/ Online monolingual dictionaries
Sabatini, F.; Coletti, V.
De Mauro, T. Il Nuovo De Mauro.
Treccani. (consultados a 30-06-2020).