Italian 3
Italian Linguage
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Italian knowledge equivalent to the A2 level of the CSFR.
Teaching Methods
- Communicative-formative approach to explain grammar and communicative structures.
- Use of specific materials for B1 level of the CEFRL.
- Usage of different kinds of didactic tools 1. Handbook (grammar structures) ; 2 "Corso comunicativo" (structures of communication); 3. Literary texts (understanding and written production).
- Audio-visuals materials to support the didactic.
- Use of written and oral texts: literary texts; journals; creative texts; tv or radio shows.
- Construction of brief dialogues and/or brief texts.
Learning Outcomes
Within the end of the semester, the students will improve their metalinguistic skills, and thy will develop their oral and written production and understanding, which will meet the B1 level of the CEFRL.
- Listening / Speaking: Understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters, when the delivery is relatively slow and clear; connect phrases in a simple way in order to situations, events, etc.
- Reading / Writing: Identify the main topics or ideas of a written text and explain the general meaning of it; understand simple literary texts, identifying the main topics; discover the meaning of new words from the context. Resume texts; write texts of a given format.
Work Placement(s)
1. Grammar structures, morphosyntax, vocabulary: ARTICLES: exclusion of article usage when the indefinites and the demonstratives are present; use and functions of the definite article with time expressions; ADJECTIVES: indefinites; different degrees of the qualify adjective; PRONOUNS: simple and combined; “ci” and “ne”; relatives; indefinite; VERBS: form and use of the future tense; past perfect “trapassato prossimo”; hypothetical “condizionale”; subjunctive (past, imperfect); mode.
2. The phrase: Syntactic Processes: groups basic coordination; ellipsis; transformation active/passive; phrases: communicative aim: declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamative.
3. Topics: The literary text.
4. Metalinguistic approach.
Head Lecturer(s)
Martina Matozzi
Assessment Methods
Periodic Assessment
Other: 30.0%
Frequency: 70.0%
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
A - Manual / Tutorial book.
Pieraccioni (2015). Italiano. Plus. A2-B1-B2. Torino: Bonacci.
B – Gramática/Grammar
Bosc (2014). Il libro di grammatica. Torino: Loescher.
B1 – Gramática/Grammar
Patota, G. 2010. Grammatica di riferimento dell'Italiano contemporâneo. Novara: Garzanti.
B2 – Materiais de apoio
Bertoni; Cauzzo; Debetto (2014). Caleidoscopio italiano. Uno sguardo sull'Italia attraverso i testi letterari (B1-C1). Torino. Loescher.
P. E. Balboni (2015). Il Balboni B-DUE. Torino: Bonacci.
C - Dicionários bilingues/ Bilingual dictionaries
Mea, G. 2014 (reed.). Dicionário de Italiano–Português, Dicionário de Português–Italiano. Porto: Porto Editora.
D1 - Dicionários monolingues em rede/Online monolingual dictionaries
Sabatini, F.; Coletti, V.
De Mauro,T. Il Nuovo De Mauro.
Treccani. (consultados a 30-06-2020).