Contemporary Italy
Italian Culture
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Teaching Methods
Classes follow a theoretical-practical standard recurring whenever necessary to the reading, analysis and comment of texts of works inserted in the main bibliography or of other titles considered relevant to the teaching of the items belonging to the program. Some sessions are also foreseen to direct students when they are involved in the composition of written essays, to discuss the theme, structure and, of course, their development. Besides, a weekly timetable is also foreseen to attend students, so that they can present and clarify their doubts.
Learning Outcomes
The main goal of this discipline is to provide to the students the main streams of the Italian culture of the and centuries, outlining the historical-political context of this long period, the Risorgimento and the formation of the national identity, as well the most remarkable events of the closest past times, in order to better understand not only contemporary Italy, but also the world in which we live today. Therefore, the attention is centered for that purpose on the study of some works of different nature, so that this period and its literary and artistic production may easily be understood.
Work Placement(s)
Focusing on the historical-cultural panorama of Italy in the and centuries, some units take into account the most representative moments for the process of unification and the subsequent history of this nation in the context of the European countries. After the period of the Risorgimento to World War I, and the participation in this armed conflict, are considered the decisive years that go from the armistice to the seizure of power by fascism. Then follows the fascist political experience, enhancing the relations with the Church, the opposition of the intellectuals and the resistance, to culminate in World War II on the side of nazi Germany. From the post-war to the fall of the monarchy and the institutionalization of democracy, follow the years of the economic miracle and the integration in the European Community. In addition to a brief approach of the Italian emigration in the world, this scenario is evaluated in terms of its reflection in literary and artistic works.
Head Lecturer(s)
Manuel Simplício Geraldo Ferro
Assessment Methods
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
De Felice, R. (2017). Breve Storia del Fascismo. Milano, Mondadori [Trad. M. I. B. de Carvalho. Casa das Letras].
Bevilacqua, P.; Clementi, A.; Franzina, E. (2017). Storia dell'emigrazione italiana. Vol. 1: Partenze; Vol. 2: Arrivi. Roma: Donzelli.
Ceserani, R.; De Federicis, L. (1982). ll Materiale e l'Immaginario. Conflitti Sociali e differenze di cultura. Torino: Loescher.
De Amicis, E. (2012). Cuore. Milano: Mondadori.
Malaparte, C. (2014). Kaputt. Milano: Adelphi.
Marinetti, F. T. (1990). Teoria e invenzione futurista. Milano: Mondadori.
Moravia, A. (2016). Gli Indifferenti. Milano: Bompiani.
Lepre, A.; Petraccone, C. (2012). Storia d'ltalia dall'Unità a oggi. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Saviano, R. (2016). Gomorra. Milano: Mondadori.
Vittorini, E. (2016). Uomini e No. Milano: Mondadori.