French Theatre
French Literature
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Teaching Methods
- Theoretical presentations made by the teachers or prepared by students
- Analysis, interpretation and discussion of texts in the syllabus or other resource texts/videos
- Research work and analysis presented or given in class.
Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to obtain:
(i) Basic knowledge on theatre, in order to analyse texts of different genres;
(ii) A diachronic an comprehensive perspective in French theatrical production of the centuries mentioned in the syllabus.
Work Placement(s)
Basic knowledge of theatre
1.1.Theatrical expressions of the XVIIth French century
1.1.1. Tragedy and comedy
1.1.2. Contemporary reprsentations of the “Grand Siècle” theatre authors
1.2. Theatrical expressions of the XVIIth French century
1.2.1.Humanist theatre of traditional inspiration
1.2.2. Existentialist theatre
1.2.3. The “ nouveau théâtre” or” théatre de l’absurde”.
Head Lecturer(s)
Maria Marta Dias Teixeira da Costa Anacleto
Assessment Methods
Periodic Assessment
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Other: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Anacleto, Marta Teixeira (dir.) (2019) Mineurs, Minorités, Marginalités au Grand Siècle. Paris: Ed. Garnier.
Chaouche, S. (2010) Le «théâtral» de la France d'Ancien Régime. Paris: Honoré Champion.
Forestier, Georges (2010) La Tragédie française. Passions tragiques et règles classiques. Paris : Armand Colin.
Hostiou, Jeanne Marie (2019) Les Miroirs de Thalie. Le théâtre sur le théâtre et la Comédie Française (1680 1762). Paris : Classiques Garnier.
Scherer, J. (2014) La Dramaturgie classique (éd. revue et augmentée). Paris : Armand Colin.
Aboudarham, Norbert (2016) L’Absurde au Théâtre. Paris : Ed. Entretemps.
Canova, M.C. (1993) La Comédie. Paris : Hachette-Sup.
Emelina, Jean (1996) Le Comique : essai d’interprétation générale. Paris : SEDES.
Evrard, Franck ( 2002) Théâtre français du xxe siècle. Paris : Ellipses.
Jacquart, E. (1998) Le Théâtre de Dérision : Beckett, Ionesco, Adamov. Paris : Gallimard.
Pruner, Michel (2017) L'analyse du texte de théâtre. Paris : Armand Colin.