French 6
French Language
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
French 5
Teaching Methods
Since this is the last level of French learning before graduation, learning processes suppose an adult learner’s profile, especially in reflecting upon metalinguistic contents. Classes will have some theoretical presentations, but students will become autonomous learners through the following application exercises:
- “à la carte” grammar to fill language gaps
- authentic documents processing
- comparative translation
- exploration of current topics through debates suggested by the students
- study of short stories by French and French-speaking authors
- text writing.
Learning Outcomes
- To complete the communicative skills of students in different areas of social and academic life in French, thanks to the acquisition of communicative, linguistic and cultural knowledge and know-how, systematizing the learning of the previous 5 levels.
- To foster progressively autonomous language learning strategies, stimulating metalinguistic reflection.
- To work language register through authentic documents.
Work Placement(s)
THEMES AND LEXICON: These will use reading, analysis, restructuring and rewriting of texts and multimodal documents that contemplate different registers of the French language in their diatopic (regional pronunciations), diastratic (argot - verlan - parler des jeunes) varieties ) and diaphasic (adaptation of registers and styles to communication situations).
GRAMMAR AND TEXT: Consolidation of the categories of time, mode, aspect and voice - Complex uses of connective devices (conjunctions and locutions) with emphasis on adverbial subordination, sentence and text cohesion and coherence – Elaborate French structures (aesthetic uses, idioms, humour and connotations) in texts of different typologies (literary, press and advertisement) - False friends and Portuguese idioms.
USES OF THE LANGUAGE: Typologies of written texts (narrative, descriptive, explanatory, expository and argumentative) and oral (presenting, debating, explaining, discussing and arguing a personal position).
Head Lecturer(s)
Marie Eulalie Monteiro Pereira
Assessment Methods
Periodic Assessment
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Other: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Bescherelle, H. (2012). La Conjugaison: Hatier.
Goosse, A. (1995). Nouvelle grammaire française. Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Grevisse, M. ; Goosse, A. (2011). Le bon usage. Grammaire Française. Bruxelles / Paris : De Boeck/Duculot.
Maheo-Le Coadic, M.; Mimran, R; Poisson-Quinton, S. (2002). Grammaire expliquée du français, niveau intermédiaire. Paris: Clé International.
Mauger, g. (1987). Grammaire Pratique du Français d’Aujourd’hui. Paris : Hachette. Grevisse.
Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales /
Programas televisivos para debates (C dans l’air – C politique – La grande librairie)
RFI Savoirs, Apprendre & enseigner le français,
TV5 Monde, Langue française,
Dictionnaire bilingue ou unilingue Larousse / Le Robert
Documentação fornecida pelo/a docente e textos selecionados de expressão francesa.