French 5
French Language
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
French 4
Teaching Methods
Classes will have theoretical presentations, but students will build their own learning processes in speaking, writing, listening and speaking. They will explore current issues in order to acquire an intercultural perspective, which will be reinforced by the study of short stories by French and Francophone authors. They will carry out translations, reading and analysis exercises and writing academic texts. From this level forward, authentic documents (texts, websites, videos, films, etc.) on current topics (politics, society, culture, science, literature) will be used in a systematic way.
Learning Outcomes
- To foster students' communicative skills in different areas of social and academic life in French through acquisition of communicative, linguistic and cultural knowledge and know-how. This will broaden competences from French 4.
- To expand strategies of progressively autonomous language learning through the introduction of metalinguistic knowledge and thinking.
- To work with complex language registers using literary discourse.
Work Placement(s)
THEMES and LEXICON: These will be chosen according to novels by francophone authors and specialized texts in the students’ areas of interest.
GRAMMAR: Revision of complex structures from previous levels through metalinguistic analysis and systematic use in oral and written productions (personal pronouns relatives, tout, quel que, quelque, quelque que, même - inflection and use of verbal forms for expression time, cause, consequence, aim, comparison, condition, concession comparison and opposition.
USES OF THE LANGUAGE: Based on the systematization of the fundamental structures of French grammar, the consolidation of the essential vocabulary and the introduction of specialized lexicon (according to the interests of the students), the program at this level focuses on the mechanisms of the complex sentence and textualization, in order to help students master formal writing at academic level (compte rendu - commentaire de texte - dissertation).
Head Lecturer(s)
Marie Eulalie Monteiro Pereira
Assessment Methods
Periodic Assessment
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Other: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Bescherelle, H. (2012). La Conjugaison: Hatier.
Goosse, A. (1995). Nouvelle grammaire française. Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Grevisse, M. ; Goosse, A. (2011). Le bon usage. Grammaire Française. Bruxelles / Paris : De Boeck/Duculot.
Maheo-Le Coadic, M.; Mimran, R; Poisson-Quinton, S. (2002). Grammaire expliquée du français, niveau intermédiaire. Paris: Clé International.
Mauger, g. (1987). Grammaire Pratique du Français d’Aujourd’hui. Paris : Hachette. Grevisse.
Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales /
Programas televisivos (C dans l’air – C politique – La grande librairie)
RFI Savoirs, Apprendre & enseigner le français,
TV5 Monde, Langue française,
Dictionnaire bilingue ou unilingue Larousse / Le Robert
Documentação fornecida pelo/a docente (Dossiês temáticos).
Textos selecionados representativos da expressão em Francês.