French 1
French Language
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Teaching Methods
Grammar, lexicon and language uses are learned through practice in class and in homework. Students will also work with multimodal products. These are designed to help them to develop their communication skills in writing, reading, speaking and listening.
Learning Outcomes
- To foster the contact with nuclear French language structures related to basic communication skills.
- To introduce communicative tasks in different areas of social and academic life in French. These will help students to master communicative, linguistic and social knowledge and know-how;
- To train foreign language learning strategies to be used in subsequent levels;
- To prepare students for mobility programmes in French-speaking higher education institutions.
Work Placement(s)
Topics: Persons - Places - Ideas- France - Main holidays and celebrations - University
Grammar: Declarative, Interrogative, Negative and Imperative sentences - Verbs (PI, PC, IMP, IMPER, COND, FUT) - Subject personal pronouns - Noun and Adjective - Determiners - Quantifiers and quantity expressions - Time and space adverbs and prepositions
Phonetics: Pronunciation, intonation, accent - Phonemes / graphemes - Vowels / Consonants - Liaisons / Ellisions - Spelling
Vocabulary: Self-presentations - work and leisure activities - family - animals and plants - objects, colours, shapes, time, weather, numbers
Language uses: Formal and informal greeting and adressing forms - formal / informal writing - Personal questions/answers - Information requests/answers - Written forms filling - Preenchimento de documentos escritos
Head Lecturer(s)
Maria Elisabeth Pedrosa Alves Duarte
Assessment Methods
Periodic Assessment
Other: 25.0%
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Berthet, A. ; Daill, E. (2012). Alter Ego + A1, Livre de l’élève. Paris : Hachette.
Berthet, A. ; Daill, E. (2012). Alter Ego + A1, Cahier d’activités. Paris : Hachette.
Delaunay, B. ; Laurent, N. (2019). Bescherelle. La grammaire pour tous. Paris : Rodopi.
Escoufier, D. ; Gomy, C. ; Min, K.T. (2018). Communication progressive du français - niveau débutant. Paris : Clé International.
Fournier, J. ; Laborde, G. (1983). Le mot et l’idée français-portugais, portugais-français. Paris : Ophrys.
Miquel, C. ; Goliot-Leté, A. (2011). Grammaire progressive du français - niveau débutant. Paris : Clé International.
Miquel, C. (2011). Vocabulaire progressive du français - niveau débutant. Paris : Clé International.
Dictionnaire Bilingue ou Unilingue, Larousse/Le Robert.
RFI Savoirs, Apprendre & enseigner le français,
TV5 Monde, Langue française,