French Culture
French Culture
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
French 1.
Teaching Methods
This course will function as a seminar, in 2 2-hour sessions. All classes will have a lecture by the teacher and / or the students about texts or other documents previously prepared. All classes will have general discussions about the presentation.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester, students should be able to:
- to know France’s geographical characteristics
- to recognize historical, cultural and sociocultural milestones of contemporary France
- to describe characteristics and functioning of French social, political and cultural institutions
- to present the social and cultural challenges of contemporary France.
- to reflect on contemporary issues of French Culture.
Work Placement(s)
In this course, students will contact with French Culture through the presentation of general topics. The course presents today’s France and French people, as well as their historical, geographical, social, political and cultural dimensions. French institutions will be the central theme.
The syllabus has 4 main topics:
(i) History: from France origins to the Vth Republic
(ii) Politics: the role of the State; political and social institutions
(iii) Geography: France (climate and physical features); population; regions; Paris, the French capital.
(iv) Culture: contemporary themes, chosen and presented by the students.
Head Lecturer(s)
João da Costa Domingues
Assessment Methods
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Periodic Assessment
Other: 25.0%
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Bonniot, J. et alii (2009). Culture générale – Thèmes de société. Paris : La Documentation française.
Bourel, G. et alii (2019). Bescherelle Chronologique de l’histoire de France : des origines à nos jours. Paris : Hatier.
Ferro, M. (2016). A História de França. Lisboa : Edições 70.
Pécheur, J. (2010). Civilisation progressive du Français (niveau avancé). Paris: Editions Clé international.