Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

For each specific topic, doctrinal and critic texts will be presented and analyzed. Excerpts from the required readings will be commented on. An interartistic and comparative strategy will be used to integrate Spanish literature in its European context.

Learning Outcomes

It is intended that the student knows, at the end of the semester, how to characterize the ideological and aesthetic specificity of Spanish Romanticism and realistic and naturalistic narrative, relating them to the social-historical context in which they were generated. He must also know and understand the cultural and linguistic diversity of Spain. Concerning the twentieth century, it is intended that, through literature, students acquire basic knowledge about the evolution of Spanish society and culture, particularly on the social conflict that led to the bloody Civil War. Students will learn the generational groups that existed in the Spanish literature of the twentieth century, and more specifically some of the most important literary works of this century. They will also study the relationship between the various art forms, particularly in the cultural context of Vanguard.

Work Placement(s)



1. Brief outline of the political, economic, social and cultural evolution in Spain during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
2. Romanticism in Spanish literature. The revival of Galician and Catalan as literary languages. Romantic poetry and drama.
3. Realism and Naturalism: Clarification of the two concepts. The naturalistic novel in Spain. The critical essays.

4. The crisis of 98 and its possible literary repercussions. "Generation of 98" and Modernism. Strategies on literary mystification. The renewal of the Spanish drama and poetry in nineteenth-century. Interartistic dialogue.

5.Vanguard and tradition in the "Generation of 27". Study of representative authors and works from Modernism, Avant-Garde and generation of 27.

Head Lecturer(s)

António Apolinário Caetano da Silva Lourenço

Assessment Methods

Continuous evaluation
Other: 25.0%
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%


Bernal Salgado, J. L. & Lama, M. Ángel, eds.(2009). José de Espronceda en su centenario. Mérida: Editora Regional de Extremadura

Bobes Naves, M. del C.(1985). Teoría general de la novela: semiología de “La Regenta”. Madrid: Gredos

Lourenço, A. Apolinário(1995). Identidade e alteridade em Fernando Pessoa e Antonio Machado. Coimbra: Angelus Novus

Lourenço, A. Apolinário(2005). Estudos de Literatura Comparada Luso-Espanhola. Coimbra: Centro de Literatura Portuguesa

Lourenço, A. Apolinário(2005). Eça de Queirós e o Naturalismo na Península Ibérica. Coimbra: Mar da Palavra

Navas Ruiz, R.(1982). El romanticismo español. 3.ª ed. Madrid: Cátedra

Mayoral, Marina, coord.(1989). Estudios sobre Los Pazos de Ulloa. Madrid: Cátedra

Miñambres Sánchez, N.(1991). Valle-Inclán y García Lorca en el teatro del siglo XX. Madrid: Anaya

Sesé, Bernard (1990). Claves de Antonio Machado. Madrid: Espasa.

Villanueva, Darío(2005). Valle-Inclán, novelista del modernismo. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch