Spanish 2
Spanish Language
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Spanish 1.
Teaching Methods
Classes will have comprehensive thematic units. They will have a presentation, questions and practical activities. Students will then accomplish different tasks, in order to apply the contents they have learned. There will be also activities of learning by exploration, in order to encourage the student’s autonomy.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students are expected to have communication proficiency in listening, reading, writing and speaking. They should be able to understand and to speak or write according to their level, to describe and to tell past events and experiences; to talk about future plans and events. The course also provides students with metalinguistic tools of Spanish as a foreign / second language.
Work Placement(s)
Indicativo: Pret. más-que-perfecto, Futro imperfecto, Condicional
Subjunctivo: Presente
Prepositions and conjunctions
Verbal perífrases for aspect and obligation
OD and OI clitics; tonic pronouns; placement
Ser / estar / haber
Expression of habits in the past
Expressions of cortesía
Means of transport, hotels and trips
Physical states, illnesses and medicine;
The house;
Time and space adverbials.
How to talk about present, past, future and probable events
How to give orders and suggestions
How to express preferences
How to express obligation
How to express agreement and disagreement
Doctor’s appointment
How to talk about and to describe the house
Intonation of imperative positive and negative sentences
Diphtongues, three-tongues and hiatuses;
Spanish geographical divisions; stereotypes
Spanish and Spanish-American cultural diversity.
Head Lecturer(s)
Maria Paz Candela de la Torre
Assessment Methods
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Periodic Assessment
Project: 25.0%
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Aragonés L., Palencia R. (2009). Gramática de uso del español. Teoría y práctica con solucionario. Niveles A1-A2. SM, Madrid.
Corpas, J., Garmendia A., Soriano C., Sans N. (2013): Aula Internacional 2. Curso de Español. Nueva Edición. Difusión, Barcelona.
Martín Peris, Ernesto (1997): Gente; Difusión.
Moreno, Concha (2009), Temas de gramática – Nivel superior, 7ª Edición, SGEL S.A, Madrid.
Moreno, Concha (2007), Gramática – Básico, A1 Anaya S.A, Madrid.
Moreno, Concha et alii (2005) Avance curso de espanhol – nível básico;
nível básico-intermedio 4ª ed. SGEL, S.A., Madrid.
Real Academia de la Lengua Española y Asociación de Academias (2010) Nueva gramática de la
lengua española – Manual; Espasa Libros S.L.U., Madrid.
Serralde, B., Casarejos E. y López M. (2019). Vitamina A2. SGEL. Madrid.
AA.VV. (2006) Gran diccionario de uso del español actual. SGEL, S.A., Madrid.