Spanish-American Cultures
Spanish Culture
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Teaching Methods
Text, image and film analysis, commentary and debate; oral presentations; written individual assignments; and group work.
Learning Outcomes
The course is an introduction to the artistic and social history of the Spanish American society from the moment of the discovery and conquer of America (c. XV), Shaping / Consolidation of the colonies (cc. XV-XIX), till their independence. You can't forget to consider the pre-Columbian cultures in this study, since the most emphasized phenomenon from there is the miscegenation in all levels. Through teacher's examples, students presentations, reading of representative texts (literary works of all kinds of genres), publications (contextual) and audiovisual material will be explored, among others, the following cultural aspects: the History and everyday life, politic and religious institutions, Art (Arquitecture and Painting) and Literature.
Work Placement(s)
1. Discovery, Exploration and Conquer Spanish Empire on the New World (a Synthesis).
1.1 The European arrivals to the Western Indians.
1.2 The Continent: America (its name).
1.3 The Conquer (Mexico) The conquer's history (Tenochtitián).
1.4 Cristóbal Colón. Hernán Cortés.
2. America's Conquer, colonization and administration (and The Indians laws).
2.1 Bernal Díaz del Castillo (True History)
3. The Mestize History Inca's Garcilaso de la Vega
3.1 The Spanish/Indian epopee
3.2 The conquer's moral dilemma (Alonso de Ercilla)
4. The debate about the Indians Humanity
4.1 The Indians protection (Fray Bartolomé las Casas. Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda)
5. Colonial(ism) Colonial Mexico Woman's Rights/Apology (Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz)
5.1 Colonial Mexico
5.2 Woman’s defense / apology (Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz)
6. The Independence(s)
6.1 The Americas getting independence of...
6.2 The american unity dream
6.3 Simón Bolívar
6.4 Andrés Bello
7. Latin American's Identity Martí (simple
Head Lecturer(s)
Elena Gamazo Carretero
Assessment Methods
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Periodic Assessment
Mini Tests: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Alcántara, M. & Mariani, S. (Eds). (2016). La política va al cine. España: Editorial Tecnos.
Alcántara, M. & Mariani, S.(2018). La política es de cine. Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, España.
CEPAL. (2011). Protección social inclusiva en América Latina. Una mirada, un enfoque de derechos. Santiago de Chile: CEPAL.
Comisión Para América Latina y El Caribe (2010): Panorama Social de América Latina 2010. Santiago de Chile: CEPAL.
Dabène, O. (2000). América Latina en el siglo XX. Madrid: Síntesis.
Gómez Pellón, E. (2012). Sobre contigüidades epistemológicas: antropología e historia”, Anthropos, 235, 84-96.
Malamud, C. (2010). Populismos latinoamericanos. Los tópicos de ayer, de hoy y de siempre. Oviedo: Ed. Nobel.
Reid, M. (2009). El continente olvidado. La lucha por el alma de América Latina. Barcelona: Belacqua.
Saint-Upery, Marc (2008), El sueño de Bolívar. El desafío de las izquierdas sudamericanas. Barcelona: Paidós.