German Linguistics 2
German Language
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
A2.1 level in German (German 1, 2 and 3); preferably, level B1.1 (Alemão 5) or higher.
Teaching Methods
1) lecture with guidelines available through a data projector;
2) dialogue with the students;
3) analysis of chosen examples and exercises on Word Formation, Syntax and Sentence Semantics of German;
4) contrastive approach (comparison with Portuguese) to the levels of linguistic description mentioned above;
5) use of bilingual and monolingual dictionaries;
6) active participation of the students: short oral presentations based on the work carried out outside the classroom.
Learning Outcomes
This course aims at:
– getting students to be familiar with the main processes of word-formation in German thus providing them the tools to facilitate their comprehension and use of lexical items;
– developing students’ ability to analyze German sentences (syntax and semantics) thus improving students’ capacity to understand and produce sentences in German;
– encouraging the competent use of bilingual and monolingual dictionaries in order to prevent mistakes.
Work Placement(s)
1- Word-formation
– main lexicogenetic processes – derivation, composition, confixation and conversion;
– other processes of lexical diversification (blending, clipping, initialism, acronymy, meaning extension and loan)
2- Syntax
– predicate types: simple and complex verbal predicates, nominal and adjectival predicates and analytic predicative structures (idioms, light verb constructions etc.);
– inventory and classification of dependents that are arguments of different predicate classes;
– presentation of basic sentence patterns in German within the theoretical framework of Valency Grammar;
– inventory and classification of other types of dependents that do not integrate the nuclear structure of sentences (adjuncts, etc.)
3- Sentence semantics
– a typology of states of affairs;
– identification of semantic types of predicates;
– semantic roles co-occurring with different predicate types.
Head Lecturer(s)
Rute Isabel Fernandes Soares
Assessment Methods
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Periodic Assessment
Other: 30.0%
Frequency: 70.0%
Donalies, E. (2005). Die Wortbildung des Deutschen: Ein Überblick. Tübingen: Narr.
Engel, U. (2009). Deutsche Grammatik (Neubearbeitung, 2. Aufl.). München: Iudicium.
Fleischer, W. & Barz, I. (2012). Wortbildung der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Götz, D. (2003). Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Berlin: Langenscheidt.
Helbig, G. & Buscha, J. (????). Deutsche Grammatik. Leipzig u.a.: Langenscheidt/Verlag Enzyklopädie.
Helbig, G. & Schenkel, W. (1991). Wörterbuch zur Valenz und Distribution deutscher Verben. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Kessel, K. & Reimann, S. (2005). Basiswissen Deutsche Gegenwartssprache. Tübingen: A. Francke.
Schumacher, H. (2004). VALBU – Valenzwörterbuch deutscher Verben. Tübingen: G. Narr.