English 6
Language-Anglo-American Studies
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
English 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 or CEFRL Level C1
Teaching Methods
Teaching is predominantly task-based rather than expository, and participants are expected to engage actively with a variety of analytical tasks followed by feedback and discussion. Class interaction takes place principally through pair-work and group-work in which participants are encouraged to formulate inductively their understanding of the English lexico-grammatical system. Active participation in class is expected through prior preparation of class material, and, for this reason, participants are regularly set small-scale research assignments for class presentation and discussion.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
• analyse and interpret texts in various modes with reference to theories, models, and analytical frameworks developed throughout the course
• display critical awareness of the growth and current status of standard English as a prestige variety
• produce texts in a number of key academic genres, displaying familiarity with the norms of English-language written academic discourse
• give a short student seminar presentation and then lead and summarise the subsequent discussion
• use a wider range of vocabulary and grammar relevant to academic language use
• carry out proofreading of text and undertake different types of editing according to purpose, using reference sources such as grammars, dictionaries, and style guides more effectively
Work Placement(s)
This course:
• further develops students’ academic literacies and oracy in a range of key academic communicative practices at C1 level (CEFR)
• explores varieties of English, both diachronically and synchronically, with particular reference to the origins and development of ‘standard English’ as a prestige variety
• develops students’ competence as analysts of both written and spoken text, revising and extending their awareness of how texts have ‘texture’, both in terms of their internal cohesion and in relation to extra-textual coherence through the concepts of ‘genre’ and ‘register’
• revises and extends areas of grammar and vocabulary in accordance with students' needs
• further develops students’ proofreading and editing skills, using a range of reference sources
Head Lecturer(s)
Andrew Vincent Packett
Assessment Methods
Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Periodic Assessment
Other: 30.0%
Mini Tests: 35.0%
Frequency: 35.0%
Biber, D., Conrad, S., & Leech, G. (2002). The Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English.[Unit 13 – ‘The grammar of conversation’] Harlow; Longman.
Butterfield, J. (Ed.) (2015). Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage (4th edition). Oxford; OUP
Carter, R., & Goddard, A. (2016). How to Analyse Texts. London; Routledge
Crystal, D. (2019). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge; CUP
Eggins, S. (2004). An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics (2nd edition). London; Bloomsbury
Giovanelli, M., & Mason, J. (2018). The Language of Literature: An Introduction to Stylistics. Cambridge; CUP
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (10th edition, 2020)
Pope, R. (2012). Studying English Literature and Language. London; Routledge
Thomas, L. (1999) 'The standard English debate' in Thomas, L, & Wareing, S. (Eds.) Language, Society and Power. London; Routledge
Yule, G. (2006). Oxford Practice Grammar (Advanced). Oxford; OUP