English 2

Academic year
Subject Area
Language-Anglo-American Studies
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

English 1 or Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Teaching Methods

This course is taught in English at CEFR Level B2 (Upper Intermediate). The course books, Oxford EAP ( English for Academic Purposes), and the Oxford Grammar for EAP, are fundamental to each lesson. Recordings, videos and texts of an academic nature featured in these books are used to generate various reading, writing, listening, speaking and research activities which may be carried out individually or in pairs or groups. Independent study of grammar and the monolingual dictionary is undertaken by the student outside of class. Homework assignments are to be completed by the date specified.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

Continue to develop their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in English at B2 level for academic work

Develop skills for academic study such as linear note-taking, summarizing from notes, understanding classification in academic texts, identifying and describing the stages of a process, ordering information and writing academic essays, and giving a short academic presentation.

Continue to develop methods of independent study including the effective use of a monolingual dictionary and advanced grammar book, encouraging the students to become more autonomous learners.

Work Placement(s)



English 2 builds on the basis laid down in English 1, continuing to prepare students to study in English at university level, whatever their chosen subject. The language required for academic work is analysed and practised in detail, focusing mainly in English 2 on classification and organization in academic texts, connecting ideas coherently in academic writing and presentations, and describing processes for academic purposes. The grammar component will include the essential use of the passive and forms of cohesion in formal texts, verbs and adverbials appropriate for hedging and expressing stance, and wh-clauses for emphasising sequence or purpose in descriptions of processes. Grammatical metalanguage will be developed to aid understanding of the grammar required in academic work. Vocabulary development over a range of academic lexical fields will continue, as will independent study of the monolingual dictionary and grammar, an important requirement.

Head Lecturer(s)

John David Mock

Assessment Methods

Periodic Assessment
Other: 30.0%
Frequency: 35.0%
Mini Tests: 35.0%

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%


De Chazal, Edward and McCarter,Sam (2012)  Oxford EAP A Course in English for Academic Purposes Upper Intermediate/B2. Oxford: Oxford University Press  ISBN 978-0-19-400178-6


Paterson, Ken (2013) Oxford Grammar for EAP  Oxford: Oxford University Press  ISBN 978-0-19-432999-6


Recommended Dictionaries:

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary with DVD and Premium Online Access Code. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2015). ISBN 978-0-19-479879-2