Cultural Landscapes and Tourism

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The presentation of the topics will be done using the bibliography (books, magazines and articles) and the websites of leading national and international institutions (UNESCO and European Union), where students can obtain reports, studies, and relevant information about the matters under discussion.

Students will be given other sources where they can access the relevant information that allows them to complete exercises using some national and international references subordinated to the following general theme "Landscapes, cultural touring and local development.

Learning Outcomes

The importance of leisure and tourism in contemporary society acquires even greater importance in a country like Portugal diverse and asymmetric in landscape, heritage, culture, economic and social terms, where tourism has a strong influence on the economy and whose geography is quite polarized. Thus, we intend to strengthen knowledge about the importance that landscapes and cultural heritage have on the development of cultural tourism. This implies pursuing two complementary goals:

a) Present and discuss subjects that enable a deeper understanding of topics such as:

. Cultural landscapes and their contexts: landscape, cultural heritage and tourism

. Cultural landscapes and their geographies: landscapes, heritage and classified sites

. Territory and cultural tourism: resources, networking, interventions

b) To acquire practical skills from some case studies focused on a deeper understanding of the following general theme: Landscapes, cultural touring and local development.

Work Placement(s)



The following themes around which the class is  structured will be presented and discussed:

1. Cultural landscapes and their contexts: landscape, cultural heritage and tourism Landscape: one concept, multiple approaches.  Landscape and cultural heritage: concepts, classifications, values.  Cultural Tourism and tourist activity

2. Cultural landscapes and their geographies: landscapes, heritage and classified sites Cultural landscapes: introduction to geography.  Geography of classified sites in Portugal.  International context: the listed heritage in Portuguese-speaking countries

3. Territory and cultural tourism: resources, networking, interventions Cultural tourism: economic importance and spatial dimension; Supply of cultural tourism: emerging consecrated places and material heritage sites; cultural tourism and local development.  Plans and strategies for the development of cultural tourism in Portugal.

4. Landscapes, cultural touring and local development.

Head Lecturer(s)

Cláudia Patrícia de Almeida Seabra Moreira

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Frequency: 10.0%
Synthesis work: 25.0%
Research work: 25.0%
Mini Tests: 40.0%


A. C. d’Abreu; T. Pinto Correia - Identificação e caracterização de unidades de paisagem de Portugal Continental (*)
A. M. Williams (2007) – Compêndio de turismo. Instituto Piaget, Lisboa.
Ana Carvalho - Os Museus e o Património Cultural Imaterial
Carta Internacional do turismo cultural (*)
CAVACO, Carminda (2005) A diferenciação regional da função turística
Claude Origet du Cluzeau (1998; 2005; 2013) - Le tourisme culturel. PUF.
E. M. Pisón; N. O. Cantero (Ed.; 2010) - El paisaje: valores e identidades (*)
J. P. Brito (Coord.; 1996) - O Voo do Arado.
M. Alçada, K. Lisitzin, K. Manz (eds. 2013) - Turismo e património mundial (Sítios do Património Mundial de Origem Portuguesa) (*)
M. Robinson, D. Picard (2006) - Tourisme, culture et développement durable(*)
P. Claval (2003) - Geographie Culturelle: Une Nouvelle Approche des Societes et des Milieux.
Paisagem. Finisterra, nº 72 (*)
T. B. Salgueiro (2005) - A cidade como património
Touring cultural e paisagístico (PENT)
(*) Em linha