Tourism and Development

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

This course unit comprises both theoretical and practical classes.

Theoretical classes are the cornerstone for the presentation of the course contents and are based mainly on expository methods (supported by computer and electronic resources).

Practical classes aim to broaden the students’ thinking and deepen their knowledge of the subjects taught in theoretical classes through the critical analysis of texts, the participation of reference bodies, study visits, and research initiation work (based on revision of bibliography, databases, and fieldwork).

Learning Outcomes

This course unit aims to develop the students’ ability to acquire, consolidate, and apply knowledge on tourism and development. At the end of the semester, students should be able to:

a) Acknowledge the relevance of the tourist activity for territorial development and cohesion.

b) Understand territorial management.

c) Characterize the public development policies.

d) Explain the evolutionary trends of tourism in fields such as accessibility, ethics, and social responsibility.

e) Identify sustainable tourism practices and products.

f) Associate the recent territorial dynamics with the sustainable tourist activity in different geographical environments.

g) Analyse tourism initiatives supported by public policies and their social, economic, and territorial impact on national and international geographical contexts.

h) Explain the role of networks in the development of tourist destinations.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction (tourism, territory, and development)

2. Territorial management and development

    2.1 Territorial management instruments

    2.2 Public development policies

3. Tourism, territory, and society

     3.1 Spatial dimension and economic/social relevance of tourism

     3.2 Planning and sustainability of the tourist activity

     3.3 Accessibility, ethics, and social responsibility in tourism

4. Tourism and development trajectories

     4.1 Rural territories    

     4.2 Urban territories   

     4.3 New tourist territories

5. Networks and development of tourist destinations

Head Lecturer(s)

Paulo Manuel de Carvalho Tomás

Assessment Methods

Exam: 50.0%
Synthesis work: 50.0%


Collins, K. (ed.) (2015). Handbook on tourism development and management. Nova Science Publishers.

Cravidão, F., & Santos, N. (ed.) (2013). Turismo e cultura – destinos e competitividade. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Cunha, L. (2017). Turismo e desenvolvimento. Realidades e perspetivas. LIDEL.

Fayos-Solà, E., & C. Cooper, C. (Ed.) (2019). The future of tourism: Innovation and sustainability. Springer International Publishing,

Hall, C.M., Grossling, S., & Scott, D. (Ed.) (2015). The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. Routledge.

Lane, B., & Kastenholz. E. (Ed.) (2018). Rural tourism. New concepts, new research, new practice. Routledge.

Richards, G., & Wilson, J. (Ed.) (2007). Tourism, creativity and development. Routledge.

UNWTO/WTCF (2018). City tourism performance research. UNWTO.

UNWTO (2018). Sustainable mountain tourism – opportunities for local communities. UNWTO.