History of Islamic Civilization and Al- Andalus

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical-practical classes using PowerPoint. Some classes will be more practical, using text analysis as a base, (indicated in the first class), with a view to thematic debates.

Learning Outcomes

This class is organized by themes and students will gain a knowledge of the Islamic civilisation. Using the wealth and diversity of this civilisation, students will learn the basic concepts of the Arabian Peninsula and its cultural and religious environment, from the Pre-Islamic period to Islamic unity. Students will learn how to perform a critical analysis of the different phases of its socio-political history from the beginning of Muslim expansion to the founding of the Ottoman Empire. In particular, students will study Al-Andalus history and its relationship with the Maghreb and the most important aspects of the Islamic society, knowledge and culture on the peninsula.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction to the study of Islamic civ

1.1 Concepts, methodologies and sources of knowledge

1.2 From pre-Islamic Arabia to the birth of Muhammad

1.3 Islam and the Quran principles, precepts and religious guidelines

2. Conquests and Empires

2.1. Islamic expansion: from the 1st caliphs to the Omayyad Empire

2.2. The Abassid Empire and the formation of regional autonomies

2.3. The historic turning point: Seljuks, Mongols and Ottomans

3. Al-Andalus and the Western Maghreb

3.1. The Omayyads of al-Andalus: emirs and caliphs

3.2. Al-Andalus and the Maghreb: Edritions and Fatimids

3.3 The Taifa kingdoms of al-Andalus

3.4 The Maghreb empires: Almoravids and Almohads

3.5 The Nasrid (Granada) and Marinid (Morrocco) kingdoms

4. Al-Andalus society, economy and culture

4.1 Population social and admin organization

4.2 Exploitation of resources and economic development

4.3 Teaching and knowledge areas: from religious science to traditional science

4.4 Cultural transmission and popular traditions

Head Lecturer(s)

Marco António Antunes Liberato

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment
Synthesis work: 25.0%
Frequency: 75.0%


BURLOT, J., 1992 - A civilização islâmica, Mem Martins.

CATARINO, Helena, 1993 – “A ocupação islâmica”. In História de Portugal…, Amadora, pp. 47-92.

COELHO, A. Borges, 1989 - Portugal na Espanha Árabe. 2 vols., Lisboa. (2ª ed).

DUCELLIER, Alain et al., 1994 - A Idade Média no Oriente. Bizâncio e o Islão dos Bárbaros aos Otomanos, Lisboa

ENCINAS MORAL, Ángel Luis, 2005 – Cronología histórica de al-Andalus, Madrid.

IMBER, Colin, 2004 – El Império Otomano (1300-1650), Barcelona.

MANZANO MORENO, E., 2006 – Conquistadores, Emires y Califas. Los Omeyas y la formación de al-Andalus, Barcelona.

MARQUES, A. H. de Oliveira, 1993 - “O ‘Portugal’ islâmico”. In Nova História de Portugal…, Lisboa, pp. 121-249.

VIGUERA MOLÍNS, Mª Jesús (Coord.), 1994 – Los reinos de taifas.… História de España R. Menendez Pidal, Madrid

VIGUERA MOLÍNS, Mª Jesús (Coord.), 1997 – El retroceso territorial de Al-Andalus. ... História de España R. Menendez Pidal, Madrid.